So this kid I know messages me and says "I'm selling drugs now haha" and he knows I don't do ANY kind of drug (I mean literally anything except weed) and I can tell he's kinda lonely and wants attention. Basically I asked what he was doing and he said he's street dealing weed and unmentionables. I'm worried about him because street dealing is insanely dangerous and this kid is a minor. So when I told him what he was doing was dumb, he just replied with "I used to sell unmentionables man I know what I'm doing". His idea is if he makes money he'll start growing and sell that. I just don't know what to do because that's fucked on so many levels... I grow cause I'm an MMP, but like damn dude just stay in school and don't fuck with these sketchers man they'll straight kill you. Any ideas on what to do blades? I'd feel irresponsible if I did nothing. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Limit your interactions with him or stop associating with him. Doesn't sound like he wants to listen. He's gonna do what he wants. And what he wants to do is dumb, but you already know this
Let him do his thing, how is it effecting your life in anyway? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
dont know what to tell ya man. if it wasnt for people dealing, most of us wouldnt have weed lol. more power to him.
Let him go make his own mistakes, he needs to learn for himself. If anything there's this theory about "Natural Selection"... let nature do its course, don't worry about him lol Sent from my Huawei Y301A1 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
you aint his daddy lol he obviously knows what hes doing and if not, well he shouldnt have gone down that path. he chose to do this, so let the consequences of the choice come by, its only natural.
Just don't hang around him often. Maybe one day you want something he has and he may help you out. He will decide if it is the right choice for hisself down the road. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Stop being friends with the guy. No matter what you say or do its not gonna change what he wants to do, so its best to just leave it alone JESUS GOT SHOT IN THE FACE
Buy out his supply, become his competition, steal all his customers. Sounds pretty straight-forward business to me. Haven't you ever played monopoly?
Ya man I had a "friend" like that and I stopped hanging out with him because I spent a night in jail bcs of his ass. Id steer clear if I were you. Maybe he will change when he sees only dirtbags hang around him Sent from my SCH-R950 using Grasscity Forum mobile app