So tonight I was thinking of having a friend over to have a giant smoke sesh..the rents won't be home until 12 am so around 7 hours. The thing is my sister who is 10 is going to be here along with my brother who is 14 is this a bad idea ? I don't want to get caught...
you can prob get away with acouple of bowls to and if there gonna be there i advice you to make a sploof ahah
Take it outside or to the garage or something. Assuming your parents don't know you smoke and would be against it, respect their wishes and keep it away from the other kids. Depending on how "giant" a sesh it is a sploof might not help.
[quote name='"afgooitouch"']So tonight I was thinking of having a friend over to have a giant smoke sesh..the rents won't be home until 12 am so around 7 hours. The thing is my sister who is 10 is going to be here along with my brother who is 14 is this a bad idea ? I don't want to get caught...[/quote] Smoke your bro up and do it. Go outside if you can
If smell is an issue do the old "toilet paper roll with dryer sheets". I do this right now as the bud I get is really potent when burnt and my parents dont like the whole house to smell like a skunk. Edit: also if you have a carbon filter (filter for a fish tank) I herd it will make it smell not smell at all.
If I were you, I would just go outside and light up. U won't have to worry about smell, unless u smoke a joint and if thats the case, u just have to wash your hands and ur good.
You know those wax burners? Those shits work PERFECT for covering up smoke, even if its dank the smell will be gone within a hour if that.
I wouldn't worry about your sister, how does she know what it smells like? It'd be dope if your brother toked, then there'd be no chance of getting caught :/
[quote name='"Ratio"']did you end up smoking in the closet with the spoloof our outside?[/quote] In the closet with the sploof smoked 4 bowls