friend got robbed.. Hahaha

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Brahski, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. So me, my bro, and a friend (J) were in is room about to spark an l when someone called j for bud and j told him to come to the back window of his house, his room window right next to where we were sitting. So a little bit later some kid nobody knows walks up with a 20 in hand, looked legit. So this kids got the bill almost in the window when j threw him the bag, that's when the kid just said "thanks" and walked off with both the money and the bud. I was like :confused: :confused: :confused: so we all run to the back door as fast as possible, j grabbing a knife off his desk, and run outside without even putting shoes on (snow on ground) and this kid is nowhere to be seen, fucker ran faster than a Kenyan. This was really funny after when I thoght about the kid saying "thanks" and taking off. It was supposed to be a gram of some dank for 20 but the kid only got away with .4 of some mersh. J texted the kids friend that if he doesn't get the money their gonna have their asses beat and the kids paying him 25 now, lol. Was really funny to me, thought I'd share. :hello:
  2. Your friend grabbed a knife over 20 bucks? I mean I hate getting beat but I don't think I would stab someone over it...
  3. Lol, he wouldn't do shit. Just for scare tactics bro.
  4. cool story bro
  5. Karma, shouldn't have told him a gram of dank and given him a half gram of shwag.
  6. This. You deserved it :]

  7. agreed
  8. It's not me so I didn't deserve anything. I thought it was funny because he got fucked right in front of me so casually. Karma def got him and that made it hilarious. Just thought I'd share..
  9. Then his friend would have been got for a g of dank instead of .4 of mersh...:rolleyes:

    The thief and his friend both deserved it.
  10. i'd bring a gun to his dome and say bitch what the fux goin on u tryin to make me feel stupid?

  11. shit and get yo shit split
  12. hahaha its kinda funny tho.

    Your friend must have felt superior, seeing as he was ripping the kid off, and let his guard down and just trusted the dude he was ripping off, cos well, the kid was getting ripped off and not ur friend.

    if you know what i mean.

    funny though.
  13. your friends a maggot.
  14. a lot of people are scared of maggots.

    They can eat u from the inside.

    His friend sounds like an asshole. He tried to take a shit, but in the end he was anally violated.
  15. Can everyone just STOP with the "cool story bro!" business??


  16. [​IMG]

  17. /\ hahahaha
  18. Aw come on now. Using played out meme's in the wrong context will never get old:rolleyes:
  19. I'd gut his ass over a fuckin penny. Its the principle of it all. you steal from me, you become an example of what happens.:mad:
  20. This about sums it up.

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