Friend got caught with weed in car and got a ticket for it but it was in Nevada, is that right?

Discussion in 'General' started by Kinaibhlan, Jun 27, 2017.

  1. #1 Kinaibhlan, Jun 27, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2017
    A friend of mine today was driving and her car ran out of gas in the middle of the street and a cop smelled weed on her and she said she got in trouble for it and a ticket. The cop said it's because she has a Utah licence and plate and she lives in Utah but she was in Nevada when this happened. Is that right? Can and should she fight it? She didn't have more than an ounce and the only reason the cop knew is because it was some seriously smelly weed. She wasn't smoking it, she wasn't high and it was in a baggie out of sight.

    Personally I think that's bullshit but I would like to know what you guys think. As far as I know she shouldn't be in trouble for that. So if someone from Utah comes to Nevada and buys Recreational Marijuana they can't use it or even have it on them because they're from Utah?

    Edit: They let her keep the weed, the fine was $400.
  2. Did the cop have a warrant/ search the vehicle?

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  3. Not that I know of, she had it on her like in her pocket.
  4. #4 Bill Dauterive, Jun 27, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2017
    My opinion is:
    She let her car run out of gas, which is reckless and irresponsible.

    She had out of state license plates. Which always draws attention

    She had an ounce of weed in her car, not sealed or anything driving out of state. Also reckless.

    She earned that ticket, what was suppose to happen to her in your opinion, nothing?

    And they let her keep the weed, she should count her blessings.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Who is saying an ounce? OP said she had it I her pocket so I just doubt she had more than an eighth or some shit.

    All OP said was she didn't have more than an ounce which tends to be the limit for an individual or whatnot... fine wise I guess...

    Robs New Journal RQS SQ#1 Clones
  6. Illegal to drive with it in the car if it is In view/reach of driver or shotgun.
  7. Did you actually see the ticket? Did she borrow money from you to pay the ticket? Because my brother in law ran that scam on me, the first time it worked. I bet if they gave her a ticket for having weed, they wouldn't let her keep the damn weed. Where does that happen?
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  8. Bullshit, she's lying to you.

    Now you need to figure out why.:coolalt:

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