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Friend got busted, need advice...

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Gobi, Apr 22, 2005.

  1. A close friend of mine got busted this week on 4-19. This is a guy who never dealt in anything, he was always just a middle man. He is a class act, who did nothing but his best for everyone, and I am not talking about drugs. A CI bought some shit from through him in January, and he was wearing a wire. He just met my friend at a party. Now he is facing 5 counts, one of which is a Class B felony that can get him up to 30 years. It's for slinging mushrooms and pot. It is also his first offense. Is there anything big he can do, besides playing it smart, to get off with at least, say, 3 years house arrest? The slammer sucks, and 6-30 years is not looking too cool for a guy this good.
  2. he needs a lawyer... a lawyer can give much more advice than a bunch of potheads in a forum :p
  3. Stay the fuck away from him

    the police are going to use this as leverage to get all of his buddies. they are going to push HARD for names. they will probly tell him he wont be in any trouble if he gives them x amount of names (not true). Stay away from this guy.
  4. Na don't worry they'll only be looking for people higher than him. A good lawyer will either get him probation or a year in jail. I know someone who got caught twice dealing weight of a few different things, he got 1 year.
  5. Things like this sadden me. I feel for your friend, I hope everything works out for him. I hate how the system works, prisons are overcrowded and there making room by letting a rapist get paroled, to make room for this guy that did what? He hooked a friend up, and now hes looking at jail time. Smoking a fat bowl right now, heres to good people doing time....
  6. Have him check out a lawyer from the NORML Legal Committee, they specialize in marijuana related offenses:

    \t <table align="right" border="1" bordercolor="#cccc99" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="161"> <tbody><tr> <td>[​IMG]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#cccc99" width="149">
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    "Well I can finally join NORML because I no longer grow marijuana and I can come out of the closet. Unfortunately my closet was invaded by the DEA. I just came back from my attorney's office and it does not look as bad as I first thought. The attorney was one I found from your site, Peter J. Vilkelis. I am really impressed by him and I think his representation of my case should be excellent (having a law school education from the University of Minnesota I can recognize excellent legal talent). It really helps having an attorney who believes in the cause to be on my side. Again thank you very much. I wish I could afford more at this time." ~ NORML member, Illinois
  7. i dunno what the laws are in your state or how harsh they are on stuff like that but i dont think he'll get much jail time for just shrooms and a little pot, i could b wrong, but this guy my dad works with only got 3years (note: any amount of time in prison is to long) for selling harder stuff like haroine and other stuff like extacy but i wish your friend the best of luck
  8. You're a smart guy, s_t_d. I always have almost the same thing to say as what you've already said. Trouble is, you've normally already said it. haha.

    But yeh, stay the fuck away from ol' boy. I don't know about elsewhere, but here in OK the cops have REALLY been coming down hard on drugs and such.

  9. you just gave me an erection
    is that wrong?
    are you sure? cause it feels SO right.

    you callin me a post whore? ouch man, ouch.
    I just lost my E-rection.....

    Oh, never mind, there it is again.

    :wave: (you dont want to know where the other hand is)

    (on my penis)
  10. Thanks for the advice everyone. My friend got a lawyer, and he is waiting for his court date in June. It is not going to be too hard for me to "stay away" from him, as he is now living out of town with relatives. While a lawyer may be better than legal advice from a bunch of potheads, I did think of something that potheads can do much better than any lawyer. If anyone at all took a few minutes to think of my friend and send him some good vibes, it would be greatly appreciated. No reason to think only of him, however. Think of everyone that is going through bullshit like this and for similar reasons. To think that our natural rights can be so disregarded is a disgrace.
  11. wow, you need to post more. you seem like a good person.

    props to you man, and Ill send your buddy as much good karma as I can muster, without shitting my pants.
  12. 6-30 years damn. Hopefully he gets 6.
  13. That sucks, if he was pushing weight.. he was taking risks. If it was just pot and shrooms, then personally I don't care that he did it in the sense of it's nothing really bad. Best wishes, I'll send some good Karma too.
  14. not sure if I should send out any vibes, considering my luck with the law, but you both sound like great people, so karma's gotta be on your side. :)
  15. wow,thats really unlucky that he just ran into this guy once and is busted that really sucks.props to you for trying to help your buddy. mucho good karma
  16. Hey im pre-law i can give you some advice if ur buddy was caught cause of the wire and the wire was not a cop just a informat he can try and plea that the man intoxicated him before and the substances were for personal use's only and any activity after he was intoxicated must be throw out because the defendant was not in a proper state of mind a tricky thing to do but will get him off jail time but if the guy is a cop than the best i can say is to plea gulity for a less harsh sentance. and good luck man
  17. I'm pretty sure they will still hold actions after intoxication against you, assuming the participant willingly took it. How did he intoxicate him?

  18. just think a little when it comes to tokin so they can't get you on anything.
  19. Thanks Kind. I'll talk to him about this, and maybe his lawyer has already talked to him about something similar. I just talked to him today, and things where looking up. He had to cut his hair and stop smoking (of course). He is now no longer going to college, which is a very unfortunate thing. Things were sounding good for him, however, and he was talking about me visiting him this summer, but not in jail. :smoke:
  20. Does anyone here know the weed situation at South Dakota State University? Im going there next year and im a long time smoker. I hope its not dry there.

    Sorry for this random post here, im new to site an it wont let me start a thread.

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