Friend always asks for favors is mad because I wont give him a ride?

Discussion in 'General' started by Jeffersong808, Mar 12, 2017.

  1. First off this guy always asks me for favors every day. A ride to the gas station, or mall, to get some pizza, to get a tattoo, to look at a car (which he never ends up buying).

    Also he asks me to buy him alcohol all the time.

    I'm very nice so I always say yes, but when i say no he peer pressures me and makes me feel bad for not taking him. He also has a fast temper and is always giving attitude.

    Then today he asked me for a ride and I said no, then he got all mad saying I only care about myself and I use him for gas money? (which he gives me sometimes)

    Now we're not on good terms. What should I do? Have you ever dealt with this kind of person?
  2. From what you said it seems like he is using you and isn't much of a friend. There is a line between being nice and getting used by someone.
  3. Yeah why are you friends with him? Sounds like a dick.
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  4. Yeah he sounds like a dick and he's just using you. Not a real friend. You should just stop talking and hanging out all together. Being nice is great but assholes (like your "friend") like to try to manipulate you if you're nice to them. It's only a good quality when people deserve it. People that use and manipulate you like your friend certainly don't deserve your generosity or kindness. The dude probably doesn't even see you as a friend despite what he may say or how he may act.

    I've dealt with similiar types of shit and the best solution imo is to just abandon the person.
  5. What should I say when I see him? Hes making me feel bad like its my fault
  6. Hes pretty much my neighbor so if I don't answer the phone he knocks on my door
  7. I used to have a friend like this than one day I ended up closing both of his eyes for a week, after I apologized to him for taking it that far we have been like brothers ever since. Yes he aggravates the fuck out of me sometimes but I know when I ever need a helping hand all I got to do hit him up. Also we grew up together practically so thats why I put up with him for so long till I snapped one day.
  8. Yeah... happening to me too, im too nice and sometimes people cant take a no from me and think i should give them rides, etc... and when i say no they cant take it. Mostly they dont even pay the gaz and wants me to ride them always.

    and because we almost never say no to them, they cant take a ''no'' when we dont want to. i would say you should say no more often because this kind of friend will take it for granted and use you because they know you cant say no or will say yes everytime. : /
  9. drop that mother fucker like a bad habit. Sounds like a shitty ass friend and a shitty person too. Tell him your busy from here on out and to only contact you if it involves you getting paid. People are like that because people like you (too nice) cant say no.
  10. he also sounds like a narcisisct or w/e way you spell that shit
  11. Ask him why it's your fault he doesn't have a car
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  12. Time is your most valuable currency, if you do all the giving and he does all the taking... You work for him.

    Do what you want.

    I would either explain to him the situation or break it off.

    Its your car, your time, your gas, for what? What does he offer in return. He doesnt sound nice or like someone you want to hang out with. Favors are one thing if they are reciprocal... But this sounds one sided not in your favor.

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  13. Stop getting finessed

    Assuming you come from a sheltered area? There's leaches that live on nothing but hand outs from the gov and from other people that they finesse.

    They bum money, cigs, weed, drink, rides, and any other number of things. They are bums, the only reason they don't look like homeless people is because they're either in a shelter or staying with someone else, but never pay for their own place.

    These people are entirely uninterested in providing anything for themselves. They like to get over on people in many ways where I'm at. They'll tell you fake stories to gain sympathy, they'll make promises that never come through, they'll only be around until you've came to the realization that they're just trying to get what they can out of you. After this they will leave, and search for the next host.


    an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense.
    • derogatory
      a person who habitually relies on or exploits others and gives nothing in return.


    To talk someone out of their things
    Not stealing

    persuading someone out of their belongings, or to do you a favor
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  14. Tell him to take a taxi, that way you wont use him for gas money ;)
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