kylelab01: its time Church7447: time 4 wat Church7447: HAMMER TIME! kylelab01: You shall see soon enough me lad Church7447: oh Church7447: nd when is this? kylelab01: youll know Church7447: ok its now? Church7447: when i get older im gonna bu ylike 400 furbys and sset them up all over my house kylelab01: lol haaaaa Church7447: its gonna be ill kylelab01: haaaa haaa I am so high & this is like the funniest shit I heard
FURBIES!! ME HUNGRY!! PURRRRRRRR PURRRRRRRRRRRR dude. mine used to wake up from the deep sleep in the middle of the night and say that shit. scared the FUCK out of me when i was a kid.
mine was in the back seat of my car once and everytime i would take a sharp turn it would go weeeeeee lol no lie