Freezer grow cab question

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by uscellgrowguy, Jun 17, 2009.

  1. Hey I'm a current grower..just got an idea for an old chest freezer that I have..any ideas on how to ventilate it..or if there are any risks involved with cutting into it? It has plenty of space on the inside for what I need it for so I figured it would be perfect. Might seem like a dumb question I just want to be safe.

    Thanks for any input in advance!
  2. No input? Its an old chest freezer..the lid is at the top, just wondering if it is safe to cut holes in the sides for fans? Thanks again.
  3. You might run into some problems with the insulation. But I would maybe check on line for like a design layout of it before you cut. But if you aren't using it (like plugging it in) I would just make sure what the insulation and that stuff is made of just in case it is hazardous, and cut it in a well ventilated area and wear a respiration(good quality dust mask). Thats all I could thing of for suggestions. Hope it helps
  4. Thanks for the reply, I decided I'm going to ditch the freezer idea and just build a box myself..Haha, come to think of I'm not sure why I thought it would work, there has to be plenty of hazardous materials in the freezer along with freon, ha, definitely not be going to cutting into that. Thanks again for the reply Buddha! :smoking:

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