FREEMASONRY wants to make you GAY!!!

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by maxrule, May 29, 2009.

  1. #1 maxrule, May 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2009
    In all seriousness; androgyny is a major theme of the NWO.

    We see homosexually pushed in all the media obviously.

    Its soon to be illegal to criticize it in the USA. :rolleyes:

    The new 'worker bees' will be a micro chipped, genetically altered, hermaphrodites.

    How's that sounding to ya? :D

  2. #2 sneekuhtoke, May 29, 2009
    Last edited: May 29, 2009
    lol, The only thing I could think about this is that IF ANY of this was actually true, is that it is for POPULATION CONTROL, women and women, men and men, u get me?

    EDIT: reading more into, the nwo is a powerfull force in the media, who knows I'm high
  3. Gay awareness for the win.
  4. How ironic, I go downstairs after this post and hear "They had husbands, they have boyfriends, but now they are in love with women! Are you gay as well ?" on TV.
  5. #5 garrison68, May 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2009
    They said in the video that Brad Pitt and Obama are "related", lol. Yes, they are ninth cousins. Obama, through his mother's side, is also my ninth cousin, as he is something like an 11th cousin to George W. Bush. Through this colonial-era line, Bush is my 9th cousin twice removed, and Obama a ninth cousin. Bush and Obama are "related" to many, many people in the U.S. - 99% of them are not even aware of it.

    Everybody that has American ancestry going back to colonial times has famous, and many more non-famous, relatives - it usually means nothing because the marriages were 300 years ago.
  6. the original poster has no idea whatsoever who or what the masons are.
    I do .

    They are simply a fraternal organization similar to L.O.O.M or Elks clubs.

  7. Right...... The government is launching a population control program called the gays? Are you fucking kidding me? They could just chuck a nuke and pretend it was south korea or modify the swine flu virus.... They could poison our water supply..... But instead, they are going to convince us to put a dick in our ass?

    Which genius thought this up? Maybe it was Gaahl......

  8. Well think about it.

    It is perfectly legal to put your dick in another mans ass.

    In fact it is highly commendable in this society and even worthy of special rights.

    But God forbid I twist and smoke a doobie lest I become a blight on society and a disease to all mankind. :rolleyes:
  9. So basically its going to be hermaphroditic secular humanistic neo feudalism

  10. I know quite a bit more about the masons than you think I do.

    Stick around this section for a while and you'll come to find that out.






  11. Makes for killer population control.

    homosexuals and hermaphrodites don't reproduce.

  12. exactly
  13. #14 roach, May 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2009
    Dude you are looking for and posting only anti-masonic crap. My dad was a 32 degree past master mason of thirty years, myself I'm a senior DeMolay, and have been for over 40 years, and most of what you posted is total bullshit.

    I never even heard gay mentioned in meetings in all of that time.

    You want to fire some anti-gay bullshit pick on the Catholics.:D

    Masons will fuck you up.

    And stop watching Tom Hanks' films . They are 99 % entertainment and 1 %

  14. Lol. I understand dude.

    It ain't called a secret society for nothing and I ain't never been 'Slipshod and Hoodwinked'.

    MaxRule ain't afraid of the Devil himself; he put those gates in hell specifically to keep me out.

  15. Another idea would be to cross-breed apes with humans, to make a new species for labor.

  16. The masons are highly bad on in the inner echelons.
  17. Umm actually it recently became legal...

    I don't see how it's highly commendable, you aren't rewarded at all. Prop 8 in California, Prop 2 here in Florida, and a few other gay marriage bans in place. If you are in a southern area or just a place filled with bigots you might be beaten for you sexual preference. So list these special rights that these people are rewarded for fucking who the feel like fucking?

    I'd also like to point out it's perfectly legal for me to put my dick in a blender. That doesn't mean me or any other group of people are out abusing this to get rights and you supported nothing.

    On a side note the drug war has been well documented and yet you seem to be going against them for the same thing you want. Happiness. That's all these people want, is to live their lives with equal rights to do what they want as long as it's not hurting other people... hmm sound like anything you can think of?

  18. I am not even talking about gay marriage. I was referring to pending hate crimes legislation that would give all kinds of 'philias' special protection under the law.

    The clip is pointing out how the whole 'gay is natural so you should do it' agenda that has been pushed on human society.

    This has nothing to do with people being happy and it is not about tolerance. This is about mind control and mass mind manipulation.

    Just take a look at the Perez Hilton debate a while back. They have all of human society bending over backwards to kiss the asses of a few homosexuals so that we all will be conditioned to go along with human androgyny as though it were a natural thing.

    Those who lay the tracks that human society runs on are training and encouraging society to be gay.

    The human mind is a very easily manipulated thing and many people are putty in the hands of these new world order sculptors.
  19. There comes a point in a persons life when they need to realize they smoke entirely too much weed.

    You are at that point Maxrule

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