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Free Weed Cookies

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by ooeeooplaxico, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. Wow. My friend just got 3 free weed cookies for giving someone a ride. We are gonna eat

    them at like 3 or 4 today. I took a little nibble to see what they taste like and they taste like

    delicious cookies and delicious weed!:D I don't know how much is in each cookie but I can

    definitely taste the weed. Can anyone give me an idea of how long I will be high for or what

    to expect, this is my first experience with edibles.
  2. You should be high in 30 - 45 minutes depending if you ate them on a full stomach or not. Enjoy them though man, one time I ate a gram and a half by itself, and I was pretty fucked up an hour later. :smoke::smoke:
  3. figuring you would split it evenly, so 1 and a half cookies each, and depending on the diameter and weight of the cookie, i would say average for me would be a mellow body buzz from this, not sure if you will get full blown effects of edibles with just a cookie and a half each. id say 3 cookies is full blown, 2 cookies is high for a while, and 1 and a half is probably mainly a body and closed eye visuals.
  4. Re: Free Weed Cookies \t\t\t
    \t\t\t \t\t\t \t\t \t\t \t\t figuring you would split it evenly, so 1 and a half cookies each, and depending on the diameter and weight of the cookie, i would say average for me would be a mellow body buzz from this, not sure if you will get full blown effects of edibles with just a cookie and a half each. id say 3 cookies is full blown, 2 cookies is high for a while, and 1 and a half is probably mainly a body and closed eye visuals.

    Hmmm, but he has no idea how much weed has been made in the cookies man. You never know, 1 1/2 could get him right fucked up... or not having him tripping at all.
  5. Well if this helps I would say the cookies are about 2 1/2 to 3 inches in diameter and maybe

    a half inch thick. I know its tough to judge things without a picture. But all of your input is

    greatly appreciated. Even if I don't get really high, they taste like delicious bud and they

    were free!
  6. size dosnt matter (haha) its the amount of weed that counts, probably either a nick or a dime if its a dime your gunna get fucked up, below a dime and you will buzz pretty good.

  7. who makes cookies by the dime? hahaha usually, actually 90% of the time, people get between a quarter to an ounce of bud and make cannabutter or cannaoil for the whatever the recipe. when i made my cookies i used a 1/4 of headies and 2 3x4 inch cookies would get me fucking high as fuck, but i would be full and sick of the cookies after eating that much of them hahaah.

    usually people like not sellers, growers or people with large quantitys of weed, use like 1/4 to a 1/2 of weed for the cannaoil or cannabutter so i would say you will either get really tired from it and body high or you wont feel it at all. :smoke:
  8. Holy Shit! I ate 1 1/2 cookies and i am really stoned. This has been one of the smoothest

    highs ever. It slowly creeps up into a really awesome high.
  9. that's funny, because if you eat the weed straight, the THC won't be activated. you need to cook it with dairy.
  10. how are you gonna eat 3 or 4 if he only got 3??
  11. ^ going to eat them at 3 or 4.. like the time 3:00pm
  12. He said he would be getting them at 3 or 4 not getting 3 or 4
  13. Dam man. Have fun with those cookies.

    and if u start feeling sick. just drink water and go to bed
  14. got to say weed cookies are my favorite:love: i just made a batch of them friday. 2 cookies kept me high for like 6 hours it was amazing:smoking:
  15. When I ate some weed cookies I was high in a little less than 30 minutes but I ate them at 7:30 a.m. ,so I hadn't eaten since dinner the night before. I was at my peak at around 845-930, and I think it lasted about 4-5 hours, it was great, I know you enjoyed it.:smoke:
  16. that's not entirely true.
  17. indeed, i think thats different for everyone. ive heard on several occasions of ppl eating weed straight and getting high. my one friend also at a joint whole once to get rid of evidense and he was obviously stoned about a half hour later
  18. That was one of the best highs I've ever had. The cookies tasted awesome

    and it was a very smooth buildup to my high. Then I ended up being really

    high for a while. I went to bed about 7 hours later and I was still pretty high

    which made for a very relaxing sleep. This was my first edibles experience but I

    hope do it again soon. I recommend to anyone thats never done it to try if you

    get the chance.

  19. dude ur such a fucking queer... u eat as mich as u can because other people are pissies and eat cock like ur moms vagina. so fuck u ng= suck my ****** cock

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