I mean really - look at my post count..... its not spam. I go looking for free stuff online, cause you can find some cool shit sometimes. I found a link for OBAMA/BIDEN stickers and one for NOBAMA or pro- mccain stickers...... you can take your pick. Obama/Biden 08 https://political.moveon.org/barackstickers/?id=-9316899-qYsTD6x&rc= Mccain http://www.mccainstore.com/nobama_pr.htm US residents only.....
[sarcasm]WTF SPAM reported[/sarcasm] Good find. If only I was supporting either of these candidates... I'll be sure to pass these on to some of my friends.
i love seeing old political stickers on bumpers of cars. . . i kinda chuckle to myself. . "yeah that was a good decision"
LOL! Man i see so many Bush/Cheney stickers still. Gotta give them credit for being diehards i guess. I'm still debating when to remove my Ron Paul sticker, i might weep like a girl when it finally comes down