Free animal crackers from a cop

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by c-roy, Nov 1, 2009.

  1. So this story pretty much has nothing to do with weed but I figured I'd post it anyway because I thought it was pretty funny. Me and a friend were walking to a party and halfway there we decided to turn around. We decided to cut through a neighborhood and saw a cop which we later found out turned around. So like 200 feet into the neighborhood there are headlights behind us and my friend goes, "is that the cop" and I'm like "yep..." We assume he's going to just drive by us but he slows to a stop next to us and asks us what we were doing. After explaining our story he said ok and gave us some animal crackers then said happy halloween. We thought it was pretty funny and random at the same time haha.
  2. Don't eat them!!
  3. thats kinda strange. eat them later when ur stoned it will be trippy that the cop supplied your munchies
  4. Cops always give out candy/snacks on trick or treating day.
  5. Too late lol

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