Can you use fox farm nutes as a foliage feed? If so any recommendations? Why so serious????? He puts the bong to my mouth!! WHY SO SERIOUS???? LETS PUT A SMILE ON THAT FACE!!! *bongin* (cough cough)
If the plant doesn't need water in the soil I could still feed it some how maybe Why so serious????? He puts the bong to my mouth!! WHY SO SERIOUS???? LETS PUT A SMILE ON THAT FACE!!! *bongin* (cough cough)
If it dries and builds up it could potentially do damage. I know magnesium deficient plants can be foliage fed with Epson salts But I never went to that extreme. Being I do a medical grow I do avoid spraying anything on the plant itself that would not be edible. Cannabis is a very resilient plant and can grow well with almost nothing. I feed a cannabis plant 2 times in its whole life in a soil grow indoors or out. I am of the opinion that many growers that are noobish tend to over feed.
[quote name="snoopdog6502" post="19350251" timestamp="1389852692"]If it dries and builds up it could potentially do damage. I know magnesium deficient plants can be foliage fed with Epson salts But I never went to that extreme.Being I do a medical grow I do avoid spraying anything on the plant itself that would not be edible.Cannabis is a very resilient plant and can grow well with almost nothing. I feed a cannabis plant 2 times in its whole life in a soil grow indoors or out.I am of the opinion that many growers that are noobish tend to over feed.[/quote]Never thought of that Why so serious????? He puts the bong to my mouth!! WHY SO SERIOUS???? LETS PUT A SMILE ON THAT FACE!!! *bongin* (cough cough)
There's Flower kiss out now by bush doctors that's fix farms foliage spray Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk