Found the perfect down stem, but...

Discussion in 'General' started by HickoryMoke, Apr 25, 2016.

  1. ... the seller wont ship it to me.
    I'm trying to buy this diffusing downstream with a hard to find oversized (29mm) joint:
    29mm Flushmount Gridded Tire Stem)
    but for some reason, the company does not ship outside of Canada. I can order it to any Canadian address though. I live in Denver, Colorado, and I dont know anyone in Canada personally.
    Is there a service that could forward me the package, or a fellow glasshead up in Canada who could do me that favor? It is not illegal since it is for my tobacco waterpipe (wink wink nudge nudge)
    Anyway, i'd appreciate any input on the subject.
  2. heres a company claiming to do it
    when i had this problem i ordered the item general delivery to my name to a town with a border crossing in canada ie niagra falls
    then you put threw a change of address from general delivery niagra falls or whatever to your current address

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