Found out who took my plant

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Hash Bean, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. Alright so I'm not sure if any of you read my post before, but one of my two pants got stolen. So today one of the kid's in my neighboorhood call me and tell me they know who it is, but he sold it to some other kid. Point is, we don't know the kid who has it but we know the kid that sold it to this kid. I told my brothers friend the kid has a couple day's to give it back to me. If I don't have it in a few day's this kid is geting his ass kicked. I was just wondering what you guys think i should do in this situation?
  2. I dunno man I'd be careful whatever you do. It's not good that random kids in your neighborhood know that you're growing. And if you went and kicked some kid's ass that kid could easily phone the cops and say you assaulted him and then rat on you for the cultivation.

    Just be smart whatever you do. It'd be really easy for those kids to turn you in so keep that in mind.
  3. Unless you want the kid who tipped you off to get his ass kicked, just go kick the dude who stole it in the nuts. Without the whole he said/she said stuff..
  4. kick everyones ass in between to show other kids u mean business. its not hard, i say roll with about 5 friends to get that plant back!!!
  5. first of kicking ass is gonna get u in trouble!!!! i would just let the kid know he has a dead line and if he doesnt give it back!!!!! show him u mean bussinuss dont harm him phiscialy harm that nig ga mentaly!!!! (example) kill his cat, slash his mom's tires. scare him with annoms letters ( wheres my plant 3 days left) , tell him about arsen and treatin him with a letter use your head not your hands!!!!
  6. dude.. if you plan on growing again i'd just let it go.
    if you kick the dudes ass, and he starts telling people that you grew weed.. then you're screwed.
    the last thing you want as a grower is to have the cops associate you with weed in any way.
  7. 1st rule of kicking ass.. if they know you then you dont do it. If you know they dont snitch anyway then do it.. go get someone else that he doesnt know do it
  8. thats the game of life, follow the rules. kids can't keep a secret. you shoudn't tell anyone unless you live with them.
  9. who is trippin off 2 plants anyway? I mean that's still your grow and all but nothing to really get mad over and try to get back at people for.. I just wonder why they knew you had the grow? when growing whether legal/illegal . big/small its really smart to let no one know. not even friends... like maybe your close ass patna that you always be with but not all the people that you just blow with and shit.. people are jealous.. believe me...
  10. what the fuck did the kids cat do? you sound like a fuckin dickhead man. If anyone killed my cat i would have to kill them, like have em smilin with their fuckin throat.
  11. LOL... kill his cat? LOLLLLLL oh and dont slash his moms tires... if you have any morals that is because she didnt do anything.
  12. Seriously man, I would get on a raging warpath. No different then killing your cousin...
  13. killing a ca is worse then kicking the kids ass. Every single fuckwit who hurts or kills animals including pet dogs and cats deserve life in prison.
  14. Kick ass first and take names later. I recommend taking a shank or a glock for back up if you suddenly find yourself outnumbered or outsized. Whats the worst that can happen?
  15. Somebody gets shot or stabbed to death, and you go to prison for life...:confused:
  16. You should chop up his parents, make them into chili and feed it to him...then tell him about his parents and his cannabalistic chili.

    If that doesn´t make him never want to steal plants again, then I don´t know what will.

  17. post of the day award goes to you sir.
  18. Find out who he gave the plant to somehow and phone the piggis anonymously from someone elses place. Hmm, I'm working on a list of reasons as to why I'm so passionate about my misanthropy.
  19. Scott Tenorman must die!!!!
  20. Well if you have any males or harvested females you want to give up and you know where this fucker lives, put it in a pot and place on his property so the cops can find it...Or tell the kid who stole it that you will do it to him. Thats some hefty jail time.

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