Found my long lost stash!! :)

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by 13iGGy, Aug 27, 2010.

  1. #1 13iGGy, Aug 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2010
    After 4 month.

    4 month ago, I came back home from college with a mason jar full of goodies:rolleyes:(a bit more than a quarter). I hid i temporarily in my bathroom until I could find a place safe in my room cuz my mom goes through my shit a lot.:mad:
    Anyways one night after tokin out my window I found a perfect spot to hide my jar, a spot that no one would ever think of looking(even me apparently). A few days later i wanted to consult my jar but I seriously could not remember where I had put it. its like my brain blacked out the moment I found that hiding spot.
    I looked for it every single day after that for a month or so. I was going crazy, opening every box, drawers and closets trying to find my precious jar. I ended up thinking that one of my parents found it and confiscated it.

    TODAY, i took one last chance at looking for it. standing in the middle of my room, rotating 360 degrees looking at any possible stash spot i could think of. just when i thought it was hopeless, i stare at my motorcross helmet that was in its case. i thought to myself "it cant be possible, and yet i havent looked in there yet, but i really dont remember at ALL putting it in there". Well guess what? as i opened the case tears came to my eyes as the light started to illuminate a beautiful mason jar full of good green.

    The bud was still in pretty good condition:smoking:, that jar is amazingly airtight and here I am happy as a kid in a candy store and rolling a fat j to celebrate this.

    If you got any type of full face helmet then consider it being a good stash spot, trust me.:wave:

    EDIT: This is my 77th post. I like the number 7.
  2. wow thats nice man. :D
  3. That story is awesome!

    Reminds me of a time I found some nug on the bathroom floor from my brother you dropped.
    I also smoked some to celebrate.
  4. i stash my stuff in the front 2 pockets of a backpack in my closet. A few days ago i flushed what i thought was my whole stash due to being caught. Then last night i opened the other pocket to get and clean my pieces and found a little baggie with a roach and about .2 of some real nice stuff. It made my night :hello:
  5. i would have flushed the .2 and the roach instead of the bud.

    i never changed my spot because if one spots working, why change it? so i never lost anything unless i spilled the bowl on the carpet :mad: did that plenty of times though.
  6. Amazing vibes OP, amazing vibes ;_ ;
  7. ahah fuck yeah i love stories like that. i've never found anything really sweet but i've found a roach or nug here and there when ive been dry which is always a nice pick-up to your day.

    ps guitarist231 man love your sig dude, i read and studied the bible back in school a long time ago but somehow i missed that ridiculous verse lol
  8. I used to use the same exact spot hahaha. In my ATV helmet which was in it's case..
  9. Well what happened was I got caught and told my dad I wouldnt smoke for the last week I was living in his house. I had 2 or 3 g's of mids left and decided to go out smoke them all sunday night so it would be a full weed-free before I leave. I almost got caught again and decided that mids werent worth the risk or temptation so I flushed them. I had completely forgotten about the other stash and probably wouldnt have found it until I left if I hadnt decided to clean those pipes.

    Edit: thanks about the sig haha im thinking about changing it to another equally crazy quote.
  10. once I found an 8th ducktaped to the back side of my desk pressed up against my wall.

    a year earlier when I first moved in to this apt, Ibought an Oz of a nice indica mids. Apparently I decided to give myself an emergency stash and completly forgot it (I wrote on the duck tape "Emergency Stash for when *ex's name* pisses you off" )

    Though I could of used it a few weeks earlier, it was a nice surprise!
  11. Renunited... Such a happy feeling...

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