Found a snake in my backyard

Discussion in 'General' started by yeahyeahyeah, May 6, 2009.

  1. i went outside in the backyard, high as fuck an hour ago to take the dog out.

    and what do i see?

    this fucking massive snake!

    i have two phobias...snakes and needles. Needless to say i was freaked out. it looks likes a non-venomous snake though which is veryyyy good.

    every time i go outside now i am going to be paranoid about snakes :mad:
  2. You call that a snake!
  3. That snake is COOL looking! His body is all, lumpy like umm... you know? FUCK!! That is SO cool. I'm sorry you have a phobia! I'm the same way with spiders. I'll trade you the spiders in my house for the snake in your yard!
  4. Looks like the black racers we get here down in Florida. Probably just a garter snake or something. They're actually pretty helpful to keep around your place. They eat up all the rodents and annoying shit that you really don't want in your house.
  5. Ya that snake is non-venomous. Phobias suck tho.
  6. Man, it looks like you wound that fucker around a pole or something; what's with its twisted body?
  7. It looks like a big peice of caca. lol.:p

    snakes ftl though. i hate em too. imagine seeing a annaconda in your back yard. that'd be fuckn crazyy.
  8. #8 locnar, May 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2009
    aw its so cute

    i was out in the yard today and saw a couple garters. some snakes are good. they keep the bugs down
  9. Just the other day I saw a snake eat another snake. It was pretty cool. i would have got a pic but when i got close the thing just rattled its tail(wasnt a rattle snake eather). so i said fuck it.
  10. I beleive those are garden snakes, harmless. ;)
  11. Yeah thats definetly not a garter snake. Garters have red and yellow stripes on them. that looks more like a water snake of some kind to me. Any ponds nearby?
  12. #12 Predator1, May 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2009
    It's a plain old black snake. I dunno the actual name of the species, we just call em black snakes here, haha. Common in all parts of the country, as far as I know. We have em everywhere in MD.

    Whenever I get one in my yard I put it in my tree. And hope it decides to live there. I love snakes :)
    edit: the lumps are just snake muscles and ribs. Most of them look like that to an extent, but that one is particularly lumpy. Might be malnourished?
  13. Snakes FTW. To bad there arent wild anacondas in the USA.
  14. Hehe I haven't seen many snakes around the area, and it's woody as fuck considering the city and all

    Raccoons everywhere doe

    I fed one some beef jerky
    It was dumpster diving and looked upset

    Shoulda asked it to hit the L
  15. I don't particularly like snakes either. I'm a 25 year old man but I probably would have screamed like a 3 year old, maybe dropped a deuce right on the spot. Just depends what day it is..
  16. God, I hate snakes. I wouldn't have even gotten that close. Spiders, hate them too.. the big ones anyway.
  17. uh....

  18. Same dude, I cringe just looking at the pic OP posted. My biggest fear is stepping on a snake or having one rub up against my leg or something. Ugh.

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