Alright, you may know the rules surrounding the smoking game "baseball", well lets give it a go on the forums. How we'll do it is, post the strain of bud you are currently smoking, giving it a rating. Once you post, start to inhale soon after, take a gigantic snap. As soon as another person posts after you, you can exhale. Now, I understand it may get inactive, which would make this impossible. So, i'll continuely post if it gets that way, but, I encourage others post reoccuringly, so others get a chance to go. We'll keep this going in real-time, play by the rules!
*Almost died from oxygen restriction * OH GOD, lol I tried to hold it, let go, you are free to exhale.
No one, they would have common sense. It's the internet, we're not going to do a marathon sesh while waiting for someone to post in a thread, in this big forum, in a vast internet society. That is, That is just cruel, man. Might as-well fap while being hung
People can stay submerged underwater for near 40 minutes, on one breathe of air. Of course, they're trained.
bammm son... 1 min 30 going strong.. jk... blowing it out at 1 min 45secs... well i failed at this game cuz no1 posted.. /quit