Forgive me for I have sinned..

Discussion in 'General' started by ChronicPooper, Jun 22, 2010.

  1. Yes, I lied about my age on these forums last year and was banned, and got pissed FOR being banned. LOL

    So I am now here, not to apologize cause apologies don't do anything, but to say hi again :wave:

    I am back, but not the same person I once was. Puberty fucks shiz up fur realzz makezz you rite like diss..

    Now I have matured A LOT. I have literally transformed from a regular defensive teenager into the spiritual child of God, I have always been. This last year, I have learned so much there is to know about myself, and this world we live in. Earlier this year, I felt the need for a DMT journey or two, or three, or four, or a few hundred times. Each one of those times were equally memorable. One of those times even opened my 3rd eye. Now every single night since I first started smoking/eating DMT I have been able to transition into lucid dreams much easier, be able to astral travel much easier.

    In my journey I learned we were put here on Earth to learn and teach about Love. That evil doesn't even exist, only ignorance, hate, stupidity. I learned that you don't need to follow a religion to be spiritual.. I learned that a lot of what we have learned even what we are being spoon fed today by media is nonsense. I have had my ups and downs. Ups where I feel as if I am on top of a spiritual mountain releasing all my energy at once.. downs where I just wanted to die, and felt alone, where no one understood me but myself. That is part of why I never killed myself, because I knew that inner voice I have is God. We are made in God's image after all, we are all each an individual representation of God. Not the bearded human God feared for his might and terror. The All loving energy that surrounds you, fills you with warmth, and forgives you for your humanly mistakes. I also learned about Karma and how it wholely affects your entire life, and the next

    Now I can't wait to die. Death to me is such a beautiful thing that it shouldn't be named what it is right now. Death sounds grim, like the end of everything. Death is just a transition back to your real home. Life is only an illusion. An AWESOME ILLUSION!!!

    I learned also one interesting thing, that time and space are illusions put here for us for our spirit to be able to grow faster because in the spirit world there is no time, and there is no space. We are only bound by our imagination.

    The internet really sucks though at getting emotion out.. hmm I wonder why :smoking:

    Anyways, its good to be back in this community.

    Have a lovely/peaceful day blessed by God.
  2. Six hail marrys you will be forgiven

  3. :( haha too stoned to move :smoking:

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