Foliar spray

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by dsbigd99, Nov 8, 2012.

  1. Is it necessary to foliar spray with plain water if the plant is getting addiquit water thru the soil? Using super soil. If so how often?
  2. Its absolutely not necessary to foliar feed water, so long as the plant has roots (Thus why you mist clones).
  3. What he said ^
    + I wouldn't say foliar feeding is "necessary" in any sense of the word.
    you never have too... but it can be helpful

    if you wanna give the plants a boost try making some tea to spray with..

    use some poo and kelp it will take you a long way great stuff
    just do a search in the organics section and im sure you will find a good step by step instruction to starting a brew
  4. I would foilar feed with a aact from a brew etc.... Not much benefit with just water and you need to consider the chance for raising humidity and getting mold, especially if in flowering stage.

    Foliar feeding is a good way to get nutrients etc to a plant fast and the way to remedy a deficiency quickly but, through the roots is the primary way.

    Is best to spray when the lights first come on or, in the evening just before lights go out.
    When temperatures are to hot the stamato's will close to protect themselves from water loss. The stamato's are most likely to be open when temperatures are around 70-72 +-.

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