Foliar Feeding

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by ganjaguy374, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. I have a lil lady (trainwreck from seed) growing in the ground on the hill outside my house (don't worry I'm a med patient in CA) and I'm just curious if anybody has some helpful tips on foliar feeding. I brew my own compost tea from my own compost but I'm not sure how often I should spray her and the other plants I'm growing (my veggie and herb garden).

    I've read once a week but also every couple days, so I'm not sure.

    Definitive answers would be most appreciated
  2. Why foliar feeding is needed ?

    Use roots for food uptaking, like what do all kind of plants ... simple.
  3. I believe it depends on the specific fert you are using. MG recommends you do it when you feed it normally every two weeks. What kind of fert are you using?
  4. Foliar feeding with compost tea is a good idea as it helps the plant defend against molds, powder mildew, blight and insects. It is best to apply at night and cannot be applied during direct sunlight. I apply about once every week or two but haven't experimented with increasing frequency to see a difference.

    I also recommend adding worm castings (provides microrganisms), molasses (food for bacteria) and kelp meal (food for fungus) to the tea as this will increase the concentration of beneficial microrganisms, bacteria and fungus.
  5. Thanks for the advice. I'll give the additions you recommended a try in my next batch of compost tea.

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