Foliar feeding during bloom

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by et8482, Jan 31, 2010.

  1. Questions about using foliar products during bloom: Am I correct that when using Penetrator from DM it should not hit the buds? I am battling powdery mildew and am going to try out the DM Penetrator and Zone combo. Also, I am mixing Einstein Oil with Wet Betty and using an atomizer where it will surely get on the buds as well as leaves. Is this safe? It makes me nervous because in all my experiences I always sprayed only in veg. and never had to in bloom. Suggestions and comments would be appreciated.
  2. I would try to prevent getting any moisture on the buds if at all possible. I have used straight 3% hydrogen peroxide on plant mildew/mold before, but even that will mess up buds. Hopefully you only have a couple of weeks left before you can cut them.
  3. Don't spary anything on your bud. No matter how cool the picture on the bottle is.
  4. Thanks for the replies. I am going to give this combo a shot and do my best to keep it away from the buds. Luckily, I am only a couple weeks away and my early spraying of Serenade have done a decent job of keeping it in check. There seem to only be a few problem areas right now, but they also seem to now be resistant to Serenade.

    Never getting clones from a dispensary again unless I know the grower personally.
  5. Bad idea... enough said!

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