What's that called when you're so focused on something, that it's like your mind narrows in on that solely, and you hear/see virtually nothing around you?! I remember there was a thread about that a while back on here.. and I would search for it, but I have no idea of the keywords to look for. I just remember the concept of the thread, which is basically this.
I only got it for about the first year I started smoking. It would happen when I got extremely ripped. Looking at one thing would feel completely disconnected from another, such as while looking around my room although it's all connected, every frame would feel like a different place.
I miss that.. was one of my favorite things when I first started smoking. Mushrooms will do the same thing tho.
I dunno... it had some scientific(?) name to it?! I don't think it's tunnel vision, tho'... though thats prolly close to it. I wanna find the real term for it. But it is kinda like that... and adrenaline An example ~> Fighting... When you get into a fight and you're completely focused on battering your opponent.. All else is lost in this train of thought... All you're focused on is zeroing in on this person / object / matter / whatever the case may be..