FML seriously

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by twnty8gramz, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Background...Me and my girl have been together 6 years.... Im almost 24 and

    shes 24...we have had a rocky relationship ever since we've had a beautiful daughter 4

    years ago. I used to be engaged to her but called it off after a very bad fight. Well

    tonight was a friends 21st bday party so we went out and being on the meds shes on

    shes not supposed to drink. well, she overdid it, and ended up driving back to my

    house to try and drive my daughter home to her house. the cops were called and she

    ended up getting arrested... I totally played dumb wen the cops got here and said all

    the broken doors and holes in the walls were already there..even tho they wernt.. well

    she got arrested anyways and i feel horrible. im sitting here in bed with my little girl and

    crying over all this shit.. I know she doesnt deserve to be there and i feel like its all my

    fault..... i literally cant see outta my eyes or breath outaa my nose right now cuz im

    sobbin... everytime i look at my daughters face while she sleeps next to me, i see my

    ex... makes me sad as hell and i dont know how ill sleep tonight but ill manage i

    guess. I think i need to be the one who stops drinkin first then make her follow my

    lead... she really doesnt know wen enough is enough, and it fucks up years of trust and

    hard work between the both of us wen this happens.... thanks for listinen to my sob

    story GC... im sure ill be up all night stressin about it...peace and enjoy the ALC

  2. Damn man :( you need a joint or better yet a blunt. Take care man.
  3. Make her drop acid. She will see. Better yet drop together.
  4. lol i wish it were that easy man. Im tryin to get ahold of her PO without any luck, to see how long shes on a hold... she isnt being charged with any crimes, they just put her on a probation hold for drinking. She has a serious doctors appointment/procedure this afternoon so i really hope she can get this all taken care of
  5. No offense, but if she went to your place causing all that shit then she does deserve it.

    She shouldn't have been drinking.

    Don't beat yourself up and hold yourself responsible for others' mistakes.

  6. I agree with this. She needs to learn a said you spoke to her PO, so that leads me to believe that she's already been in enough trouble to be on probation.

    You may feel bad now, but I can tell you, you would be feeling a whole lot worse if she'd managed to get your daughter into that car...the end result could have been much more devastating.
  7. The reason i feel bad is because she has multiple mental health issues and the doctors have her on a laundry list of meds... I can only imagine wat today will be like for her sitting in jail without any of her meds. Fuck mental illness man, i can only deal with so much of her but i love the girl to death and wish she could get better

  8. Nonetheless...she shouldn't be drinking. Do as you said earlier...quit drinking yourself...if you're not drinking, maybe she won't either. No matter what, that lil girl of yours has got to be the number one priority. Do it for everything for her...both of your lives at this point should be revolving around that child. Imagine what she's going through watching all this stuff happen. If you don't want her to be mental when she gets older, you guys better get your shit together. The stuff you're describing can be very traumatic to a child.

  9. I know what it's like. My girlfriend has depression and she's been through some really rough patches; thankfully though she seems to be pulling through it. You just have to be there for her when she needs you and stick through it no matter how tough it is and yes, it is very tough. If you think stopping drinking will help then I say do it and discourage her from drinking as well. If you stick through it with her long enough there's light at the end of the road.
    Good luck :)
  10. Bolded, and qft.....

    Good luck OP..
  11. Thanks for being there GC. This is the last thing i wanna talk to any of my friends or family about. I dont want them to look at her differently you know. My lil girl was sleeping in her bedroom the whole time thankfully, and didnt have to see anyhting go down.

    My younger brother was babysitting last night and was in the bedroom with her watching the end of ice age when this went down so he just locked the door. Today is day one of me not drinking anymore. I dont really think it will be that hard for me i just hope she follows my lead. Shes the best mom in the world usually, last night was a rare occasion were alcohol made her an entirly different person.

    Does anybody know anyhting about probation holds? is there any chance that she could get out today? Shes not being charged with anything, they took her in because she was drinking.

  12. This post contradicts your original post...don't put yourself in denial. None of this is good for that child. You can pretend she doesn't know what's going on, but that don't make it say this is a rare occasion in this post, yet your first post says otherwise. It says your relationship has been rocky every since you had the, don't think this child is unaware of what's happening. She doesn't understand it, but, trust me...she is aware...

    Do you see the contradictions? I don't mean any disrespect when I say this, but you sound like a woman who's been abused. Battered women's syndrome. The situation was bad enough for the cops to be called, yet when they got there, you tried to cover for her by saying the house was trashed already, when it wasn't. You know it's not your fault, yet you make excuses to yourself as to why it is...because you love her. That's understandable...just not excusable when you have a child who depends on you...for everything. It's up to you to make her life a good one...not one full of drinking and fighting.

    I don't know nothin about the probation hold, so I can't help ya there. I do wish you the best of luck on the drinking. You can do it...hopefully, she can too. For the sake of the child...
  13. Im not trying to excuse her of all responsibility but mental illness played a big role in her actions. And im not sure who called the cops. Its not like i called the cops then said nothing happened. Sorry if i sound like an abused woman, I wasnt trying to have her arrested at all. And we have never fought physically. Id never put my hands on her no matter how bad it got.
  14. imcheroke seems like you know everything....?

    you can drink have a few beers here n there but what makes it bad is her gettin drunk n bein the opposite of herself. keep your head up n stay strong with her.
  15. #15 imcherokeeangel, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2010
    I have a 24 yr old daughter who is bipolar and has a child herself, so I ain't just talkin out my ass. I'm about sick of giving advice and people come on here and act like I'm a 14 yr old who thinks she knows everything. Unlike some people, I don't respond to threads unless I have some 'experience' in the matter. And, trust my age, I have a lot of experiences under my belt. I am genuinly trying to help because I know how this daughter is just like this... And, the thing is, once the cops start pokin in your business when you have a child, you best believe that childrens protective services won't be far behind. CPS don't give a rat's ass if you have mental problems...that just gives them even more reason to try and take your child away.

    I sympathize with Op's girlfriend much more than you could imagine...but, the child has to come first. There's only so much you can do to help someone and sometimes, the only way you can help is to step back and make them help themselves.

    And, no...if you're on medications that are not supposed to be mixed with alcohol, you can not just have a few beers here and there.
  16. Mental illness is not a scape goat.

  17. I wish I could rep you again, but I need to spread some more around.

    This is such a complex issue here, honestly GC isn't going to be much help to you. What I can suggest is that you and your co-parent get into some professional counseling immediately. As others have stated your daughter needs to be the number one priority. If you're still drinking and drugging it up often, that needs to stop for the sake of the child. You can still be an effective parent when stoned, not so much when drunk.

    Treat alcohol like it's a poison, that's the only way. About 10 years ago my doctor told me that if I wanted to live a long life that I needed to stop drinking. I asked him what would happen if I didn't and he said basically that he'd see me in 6 months for a liver biopsy. Granted I have what's called "fatty liver" but it was still bone chilling. I can't say I haven't touched a DROP since, but I can count the number of alcoholic beverages I've had since then. It's tough, but you have to do what's best for your child first.

    Your co-parent (I'm not calling her your ex) needs more help than you can provide, and YOU CANNOT FEEL GUILTY about her situation, that was her choosing, not yours. Don't beat yourself up about it. She has to be responsible for her actions. She needs to understand that her life is not just about her, but about your child as well.

    Irresponsible behavior should not be rewarded.

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