Flying with THC pills

Discussion in 'Planes, Trains & Automobiles' started by crshndbrn, Dec 20, 2009.

  1. I'm flying to Australia in about a week and was thinking of taking 1 or 2 THC pills for the 12 hour long flight. I was just wondering if the pills are detectable at all. Im not going to try to take them through customs, just take them right before the long flight so that it will be more enjoyable :) Could anyone tell me the risks of flying with THC pills?
  2. youll be perfectly fine if you take them before you go, what kind of pills are they?
  3. hell ya! you'll be fine they cant detect THC lol:D has fun with those things
  4. You should be fine.
    Sounds like a fun flight :D
  5. Are you actually flying or are you just riding in the airplane. If it's the later definetly take 2
  6. What, dear Sir, is a THC pill? Like, marinol?
  7. Thanks for the advice im going to get them tomorrwo:) And for those of you wondering a THC pill is like super refined weed that is boiled down or something so just the thc in the weed is left and you take it as a pill. They get you super high for 12 hours

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