Flushing a DWC, and how long?

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Growing' started by A1Piff, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. I read a lot of people saying you shouldn't flush a dwc and others say if you do it should flush at the last 2-3 days before harvest. I would like to know if I should flush to have a better smoke and taste? And how long?
  2. A lot of people say you should I end up not being able to due to security issues but it still smoked and tasted good
  3. Placebo effect... therefore the people who do will never agree that it's pointless. Lucas from lucas formula states that flushing is ONLY for soil or over nutrient fed plants, and toilets.. PERIOD... but what does he know...

    only has a hydro system named after him :rolleyes:
  4. ^^^ I agree but speaking on the Lucas formula for hydro I know it's 0-8-16/gal but which brand nutes?

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