Flush soil to 0 ppm first

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Nrokdrums, Aug 24, 2019.

  1. Hey yall
    I haven't cultivated in many years so I'm rusty. I've looked everywhere and just can't any info regarding this question...what do yall think of the idea to flush my soil right off the bat b4 even planting to get my ppm or tsd way down so I have clean slate to start with and use nutes I order?
    Thanks yall and I look forward to bein here!
  2. It's impossible to flush soil to 0ppm

    What would be the purpose of flushing soil before using it. If it's a quality soil flushing removes much needed nutrients. If it's crappy time release soil like miracle grow, flushing will cause it to release more nutrients.

    Is it a "hot" soil
  3. Grow in sand or perlite even cocoa is a better option a buddies using crushed car screen glass ...lol

  4. Hey killset thanks for responding.
    It's an thought that popped into my head while checkin out some hydro stuff. I like the fact that hydro gets to decide and control everything their girls use. So thought "can flushing first give me same control with soil?"
    its not hot soil, I haven't bought soil yet and definitely aware of avoiding time release.
    So if waste of time, h2o, soil and $ or just plain dumb idea, Im glad I got some feedback
  5. Flushing new quality soil would be pointless. Might as well flush $20 Bill's down the toilet. Take something like fox farms soil and bottled nutrients for instance. It's a widely used product in cannabis cultivation. The soil comes with enough nutrients to feed the plant for awhile. Flushing it all out would require you to re-add those nutrients.

    You want to grow hydro then grow hydro.
  6. :lmafoe:....I've heard it all now
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Be better off with coco if a clean slate is what your after mate.

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