FLUORIDE: The Bizarre History

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Hank Scorpio, Feb 11, 2011.

  1. There's a problem with realizing the ridiculous is ridiculous? Questioning authority is valid when there is valid reason to but conspiracy theories aren't valid questionings of authority. That's a good post though, something fresh. +rep :hello:

    Well not like I'll actually add to your rep. But eh.
  2. I recently learned that it's in a lot of food too. So there really is no escape unless you take massive precautions.
    I don't think experiencing mere interactions qualifies you to claim knowledge of whether fluoride is harming you or not. What about these interactions allowed you to analyze the concept for yourself and come to such a definitive conclusion?
    So you trust yourself in coming to the conclusion that you need to trust others to tell you that you shouldn't trust yourself?


    Lol what a joke. I like it.

    But what bearing does this have on whether or not you can claim that fluoride is or is not harming you?

    You concluded that fluoride is not harming you, yet it isn't even possible to conclude whether we know if fluoride actually does harm us or not. Yes, there are studies that show some harm but we don't really know if humans would be significantly better off if they limited their fluoride intake to much lower levels. We don't really know, maybe it does have a significant impact on our intelligence. I've read things that suggest that it messes with signaling in the brain, and that's a big deal.

    Okay, but we can know whether or not fluoride is harmful to us, we just don't.

    lol yeah.

  3. No, I trust myself.

    So then there's really no point in worrying about it is there? :confused:

    I think perpetual interaction with my internal chemistry qualifies for quite a bit. I think I would notice a decline in my own cognition, and, oddly enough, throughout my entire life, I've only noticed an acceleration.

    Threads like this help a lot as well. ;)

    I know myself, I know what I ingest, I know my baseline, I know when something's wrong with me, and for everything I don't know I get a yearly check-up and with each chek-up my health is perfect.

    Do you know yourself?

    So shall I conclude that fluoride harms me and the government is out to get me and that I'm dying an accelerated death due to everything I eat and drink? Do I really give a shit?

    Each breath I take brings me another step closer to death. Perhaps oxygen is a conspiracy? Or time itself?

    Great. Hey I gotta go wash my crotch, catch ya later.
  4. Okay then. I thought you meant the other thing because if you really meant that then it was just a non-sequitur really. It doesn't make sense to trust yourself implicitly in that situation.
    How so? Seriously, why do you think it's not worth worrying aka thinking about? I wouldn't worry about it, but it seems as if you mean there just isn't a point in thinking about it at all.
    K Einstein, why don't you explain to me how you were able to account for the confounding factor that you have been consistently fluoridated your whole life.
    Yeah that doesn't help your case much. It actually just makes you sound kind of arrogant, since you claim that you have all this knowledge of yourself when you probably don't actually know everything about yourself.
    To a certain extent.
    No, you don't have the knowledge to conclude such a thing. It doesn't reflect well for your intelligence that you "don't give a shit" about potentially harmful chemicals.
    I never insinuated that fluoride has anything to do with any conspiracies. You layed claim to knowledge you don't have. I and Aaronman called you out, and now it seems as if you're just flailing around wildly.
    You're so cool.
  5. Any individual should be able to discern reality from crazy, you have me there. I just wish it weren't dismissed so easily. There are really evil people out there, and I believe a lot of them are in positions of power (evil people want to control others). To say that it is ridiculous that they would want to hurt us seems ridiculous.

  6. I'm talking about in terms of conspiracy. Too much of anything isn't good for you.

    Consistently fluoridated? I never said that. I said I consume fluoride on occasion and have in the past and will do so in the future.

    I consumed more fluoridated water and toothpaste when I was younger compared to now, and I have yet to notice any illness, physical or psychological, to which that can be attributed.

    Being healthy makes me arrogant?

    Without you there is nothing.

    I have the knowedge to conclude the opposite, seeing as I lack physical or mental ailment (not self-inflicted at least). Anything can happen, but it's looking good so far.

    So you felt the need to knock me down a peg for claiming that I am healthy while simultaneously claiming I consume fluoride?

    Though it's apparently okay for you to claim on no basis what-so-ever that I don't know I'm in good health? How do you know that?

  7. oh no not this guy again
  8. Okay I see. I never insinuated it was a conspiracy though so I don't know why it went there.
    It doesn't matter what you've said. You have been constantly ingesting fluoride since your birth. It's in almost all of your drinks, and a lot of your food. How do you only consume fluoride "on occasion." That claim is laughable. The reason I say that you have been consistently fluoridated is this: If you have always had fluoride in your system how are you to tell what effect it is having on you?
    We think about this a bit differently. I'm not concerned that fluoride will give me an illness at all, I'm much more concerned with whether or not fluoride is actively affecting my biological processes, how it is doing so, and what effects its doing so will have -- mainly on my cognition but on my life in general as well.

    No, not at all. Claiming that you know for sure that you are completely healthy is kind of arrogant though. The most arrogant claim there was, "I know myself," though. Do you imply that you know all of yourself? Simply not true by my understanding of humanity.

    That's neat but it's only true in some abstract ways. I'm more inclined to just say that's false, but there are some ways you could make the statement true.

    Are you saying that you would be aware of all negative effects fluoride might have on you even though you cannot get away from it and have never had any lasting experience in your life where you have not ingested fluoride for a period of time?

    That's such a straw man lol. No not at all. I just wanted to point out that you do not, indeed, know whether or not fluoride is having negative effects on you. You are resisting so hard, it's like you can't accept the fact that you don't know. You can't claim to know whether or not fluoride is affecting you based on your own interpretations of your body. You have always been subject to the effects of fluoride, so you can't say what you would be like sans fluoride. Claiming that you haven't noticed any negative effects and then claiming that you still have no illness from it does nothing for your argument. No one else is dying from it and only people who have been subject to high levels have developed "illness." What most people wonder about is whether or not the low levels affect cognition significantly.

    I never did that nice straw man again. I'm only arguing that you don't know whether or not fluoride consumption has had any effect on you, since you claimed that it didn't. I was just correcting you.
  9. Geez you guys have been arguing over such an insignificant statement this entire time? Come on guys. :laughing:
  10. Yeah it happens. I should have been writing papers lol.

  11. Nobody is putting sugar in your food.


    Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury > New World Order Report

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fi6fK1PvQK4]YouTube - Conspiracy for Fat America & High-Fructose Corn Syrup[/ame]
  12. #72 UU_ood, Feb 14, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2011
    Traces amount of mercury in HFCS is a result of improper procedures. HFCS =/= mercury. As that study showed, half of products tested contained mercury. These manufacturers should be inspected rigorously for following safe procedures and avoiding mercury contamination. So if you're trying to prove a NWO, you haven't done a very convincing job. But then again, you probably think the trace amount of mercury that can be found in some vaccines is proof of a NWO. :smoke:

    From your own article:
    "This study appears to be based on outdated information of dubious significance," said Audrae Erickson, president of the Corn Refiners Association, in a statement. "Our industry has used mercury-free versions of the two re-agents mentioned in the study, hydrochloric acid and caustic soda, for several years. These mercury-free re-agents perform important functions, including adjusting pH balances."

    However, the IATP told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that four plants in Georgia, Tennessee, Ohio and West Virginia still use "mercury-cell" technology that can lead to contamination.

    Yeah, looks like it's just a few plants using outdated procedures.
  13. A little bit of mercury in our hfcs, a little bit in our CFL bulbs, a little bit here and a little bit there. A little bit of msg in foods, some fluoride in everything else.. Some trace amounts of arsenic in our water, along with caffeine and birth control chemicals... Steroids, pus and antibiotics in milk. It all doesn't matter right? It's just a little bit here and there.

  14. If it makes you feel any better I've bitten through two mercury thermometers in my lifetime.
  15. Sounds like a straw man. You haven't had a relevant post in ages. What's going on?
  16. What about all the conspiracy theories that turned out to be true?

  17. "Sounds like a straw man."

    Straw man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Person A has position X.
    Person B disregards certain key points of X and instead presents the superficially similar position Y. Thus, Y is a resulting distorted version of X and can be set up in several ways, including:

    Presenting a misrepresentation of the opponent's position and then refuting it, thus giving the appearance that the opponent's actual position has been refuted

    Quoting an opponent's words out of context - i.e. choosing quotations that misrepresent the opponent's actual intentions

    "You haven't had a relevant post in ages."
    Ad hominem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    An ad hominem (Latin: "to the man"), also known as argumentum ad hominem, is an attempt to link the validity of a premise to a characteristic or belief of the person advocating the premise.

    "What's going on?"

  18. I'm not addressing your WoT, just the first part.

    It's added because after the food and water is processed it doesn't have fluoride anymore. We don't exactly walk down to the stream to fill up our buckets of drinking water. If you'd like to do that . . .
  19. You seem protective of conspiracies, despite the fact that false information is used. If you're referring to MK ULTRA then there's a difference to what conspiracy theorists claim. MK ULTRA's goal was to "mind control" individuals so the CIA could extract information and force actions on them. Conspiracy theorists claim mind control is occurring on a massive scale, like HAARP or fluoridated water. Theorists never claims using mind control on enemy captives. But yes, MK ULTRA is as close to a proven conspiracy theory you can get. Too bad it's vastly different from the modern ones.

  20. Sources?

    If you had read anything you'd know that that isn't true.

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