Flowering Question.....

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Mr.Tangent, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. i've been look in for the past few days and cant get a straight answer..............

    when should i crop..????now by that im meaning ..should i crop when the light is ON, at the end of my 12hrs ?? i heard to leave them in complete darkness for a couple days before cropping...just a little confused.... That said im only on week 4 . looking for the best possible way, with the best outcome of course..............thx.
  2. harvest your plants in the morning before the lights come on,after lights are out for at least 12 hours.

    but my advice would be leave in darkness for at least 48 hours,72 better;)
    this sends a strong signal to the plant that its life is near its end therefore it will produce more resin plus trichomes.

    hope helps mate, all the best:smoking:
  3. I've always been told (assuming your crop is ripe) the best time to harvest is at night or in the middle of your 12 hrs of darkness. It"s an old farmer thing a lot of farmers use the harvest moon to help with scheduling harvesting times.
  4. cheers guys.....i got a microscope(60x/100x) on the way...so when trics are ready just leaves them for two or three days in the dark....???
  5. Personaly I've never gone more than 48hrs dark before a harvest and she didint look to happy then.
  6. Yeah I thought standard practice was 36 hrs. I also read something about harvesting when the moon is just right, as it pulls on resins in the plant, but I don't remember where I read it or if it's even that true. Cool idea though.

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