Quick question... Once you start seeing white hairs and have sexed the plant should you change the light cycle from 12 on 12 off and back it off a bit to give more light time to finish flowering/budding or just drive on with 12/12 until harvest? Thanks!
There's no right answer. Depends totally on circumstances -- how long into veg when you started sexing, your goals. constraints of time/size/light/resources, etc.
Yeah, I know... That's why I am a bit confused. I need to push my plants to harvest as quickly as possible because I am moving at the end of july. They have been flowering for about 2 weeks now. Getting more and more white hairs everyday. I believe I have an indica strain (bag seed) so I am hoping I can yield something from my labor. From what I understand buds will mature faster if I keep them in the 12/12 cycle. However, the yield will be reduced some, but that is the sacrifice I need to make based on my time crunch. If anyone has any better ideas I am all years...
Oooops, in my previous post I meant to say I am all "ears" not "years". I speak english very well, I just can't type it.