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Flowering And Vegatation Stages

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by DankBlower, Jun 7, 2006.

  1. :smoking: I was wondering how to tell when it changes stages.

    A couple of ?'s

    1-How often should i add fertilazer. PS my fertilizer is 15-8-11 Miracle Grow Nursery Select Starter Food. It says it has a mix of micronutrients.

    2-When to switch from cup to big bucket.

    3-Is it ok to plant more than 1 plant in a bucket?

    4-I was reading bottled water is good water. SO is good to water with bottled water instead of tap water.

    5-Wut is the different stages and wut happens in each stage.

    Please help me out or point me in a website that is good for newbies. I can read around but they use alot of terms and stuff i dont understand. I want a basic easy way to growin. Thanx for looking and Smoke on:smoking: Mark
  2. hi mate this web site will tell you everything u r asking.
    i would use the search menu but be prepared there is a lot of reading to do.

    all the best
  3. It changes from Veg to flower, when you change the photoperiod aka the hours of light the plant receives. You want to grow it for some time before you induce it to flower. Unless you have an autoflowering strain, without changing the photoperiod it will only change "stage" if your growing it outside, and due to the season there are 12 hours or less of light, you stress the plant, or after approximately 9 months of veg.

    On to your questions:

    1-How often should i add fertilazer. PS my fertilizer is 15-8-11 Miracle Grow Nursery Select Starter Food. It says it has a mix of micronutrients.

    The NPK on your ferts are fine for vegging, if its the kind that are little pebbles that you throw on the soil get rid of them. Use water soluble fertilizers, and when you can avoid Miracle Grow do so. However, I use Miracle Grow Bloom Booster fertilizer for my budding plant. Since your fertlizer should be water soluble you fertilize whenever you water. Always start at 1/4th strength and let the plants grow about a month or so before you begin to give it fertilizer. If you see your lower leaves turning yellow that means your plant need nutrients. If you see yellow spots on your leaves that means your fertlizer is burning the plant. AND NEVER EVER USE TIME RELEASE FERTILIZERS.

    2-When to switch from cup to big bucket.

    How about you post a picture and ill tell you?

    3-Is it ok to plant more than 1 plant in a bucket?

    No. 1 plant per pot

    4-I was reading bottled water is good water. SO is good to water with bottled water instead of tap water.

    Bottled water/tap water:Leave it out and open 24 hours before using so that chlorine can evaporate

    Both are fine to use, if your really concerned about what kind of water you give the plant use RO/DI Distilled water. Reverse osmosis/Deionized water can be found at publix or any other supermarket.

    5-Wut is the different stages and wut happens in each stage.

    Seedling- seed cracks develops roots, stem shoot, and first leaves
    Vegetative growth- Plant continues to develop roots, stems, leaves and new nodes
    Preflowering/flowering-Plant shows sex, and begins to produce buds/pollen

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