Florida - Petition for Recreational Use

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Storm Crow, Dec 2, 2022.

  1. Not much of an article!

    And even if they get the needed signatures, the state supreme court can strike it down, thwarting the will of the people. :bang: But most of the time, anything about legalizing cannabis takes repeated tries! So sign the petition and get your friends to sign, too. Each attempt brings you closer to legalization! :yay:

    The Florida Division of Elections needs more than 891,000 signatures and state Supreme Court approval to make it happen. collecting signatures for vote on 2024 ballot
    Florida recreational marijuana petition collecting signatures for vote on 2024 ballot

    Nearly 50,000 people have signed a new petition to legalize recreational marijuana in Florida. The Florida Division of Elections needs more than 891,000 signatures and state Supreme Court approval to make it happen. (snipped)
    The 3rd sentence of this "article" merely stated that Florida got MMJ in 2016.

    What the heck has happened to journalism??? :confused_2: 3 sentences giving minimal information does NOT make a real news article! I left a comment about that. :coolalt:

    Granny :wave:
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