Florida Lawmaker Files Bill to Decriminalize Marijuana

Discussion in 'Politics' started by cigarjack, Aug 23, 2019.

  1. From High Times Mag: Rep. Shevrin Jones of Florida introduced a bill in the legislature on Monday that would decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana. Under the measure, House Bill 25 (HB 25), possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana or cannabis products containing up to 600 milligrams of THC would no longer be a criminal offense.

    If the bill passes it would go into effect on July 1, 2020, making Florida the 27th state to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of cannabis.

    I'm not holding my breath.
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  2. 20 grams of flower and 6 grams of thc...... I guess that's a start.
    Decriminalization is awesome but dont fall for tax and regulations to "legalize" it. Please!

    Sent from my SM-G935V using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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  3. As long as the state house is controlled by republicans and the governor is a republican, you'd be wise to not hold your breath.

    Medical marijuana was voted on and approved by the voters but it took over 2 years before anything happened because of that piece of shit Rick Scott republican governor. He did everything in his power to undermine the law and prevent it from happening.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. After seeing what's happened in other states, I'm not wanting legalization, just decriminalization.
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  5. Can you explain your reasoning?
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  6. #7 MickFoster, Aug 23, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2019
    I don't give a darn what the dispensaries charge - that's why people grow their own. Without legalization growing your own is illegal. That's what I'm talking about.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. So true
  8. I'm down to have that passed in my state....bit with all the Republicans here........I'd be VERY surprised if it passed.
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  9. What state?
  10. I started smoking pot in 1969 - I predicted it would be legal within 5 years. Haha.
    50 years later - here we are.
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  11. Hey....at least its happening....AND you get to see it:passing-joint:
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  12. It ain't happening yet. I may see it if I live long enough - but I doubt it.
  13. Oh Mick.....I TRULY BELIEVE you'll see it!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  14. As a "grow forum" I thought it was obvious that being able to provide for yourself, without being afraid of dire consequences, would be ideal. Oregon has a glut of legal weed they don't know what to do with and some of the other states have figured out how to tax it back into the black market. If it becomes legal, fine. If not, I'd appreciate being left alone.
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  15. You appear to be confusing decriminalization with legality. Legal beans it can be sanctioned by the state, sold and taxed. Decriminalized just means you can't be held criminally liable for growing, or possessing, your own.
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  16. Wouldn't that depend on how the law was written? Certainly not all decriminalization laws include growing your own? I'm no expert on the subject and I may be wrong, but I doubt many decriminalization laws in the country include growing - possession of different quantities depending on the state, yes.
  17. What cigarjack said. Also you're more than welcome to try growing your own in my county of CA. Civil ordinances require 50' of offset from all property lines, and 1000' from any child-related business (school etc). So if a neighbor down the block doesn't want you to grow, they are one daycare center license away from shutting you down. Etc. And that's just the civil ordinances. Our POA has a few pages more of restrictions.
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  18. Not a problem - I grow indoors. :)
    • Funny Funny x 1

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