{Florida} All Charges Against Cathy Jordan Dropped.

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Mikayote, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. Marijuana charges dropped against Florida activist Cathy Jordan | Marijuana and Cannabis News | Toke of the Town

    I strongly disagree with the idea that Pam Bondi has a heart, I think it much more likely that charges were dropped so that the Jordan's wouldn't have a case to sue to state supreme court. Since the Jordan's are now free and clear (and good for them!), it takes some of the media heat off of this issue. Hence, the stalling of the bill in the legislature.

    So I guess that means that one of the initiatives are our best hope. Register to vote TODAY.

    Literally, right now, go to this website and register right now. It takes no time. (Well, very little time.)
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