Floralicious plus users

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Smokey Bandit, Sep 8, 2010.

  1. Ive used floralicious plus with my DWC in the past with kickass results but now that Im doing soil again I didnt know if I could use this wonderful product in soil.If anyone has had any experience please give me your two cents.

  2. The great thing about hydro nutrients is that they can be used in soil but soil nutrients can not be used in hydroponics.
    You can immediately notice the reason for this;
    compared to the hydroponics nutrients, the soil equivalent is much more viscus than the watered down looking hydro nutrients.
    Since the nutrients in soil have to run through,
    it is logical to assume that its made to stick around as opposed to hydro nutes that only have to sit in place.
    My 2 cents :cool:
  3. Thats a good point Im thinking Im just going to roll with it and test it out.This shit is suppose to be organic so I feel comfortable testing it out at 1ml gal ratio.After I first used this stuff in my DWC the plants just exploded and look so healthy and happy.

    Pastivity Thanx for your 2 cents Rep+


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