First wreck

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by VapeLifeAlex, Feb 13, 2014.

  1. #1 VapeLifeAlex, Feb 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2014
    ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1392250361.673157.jpg
    Fish tailed on the icy road. Went into a ditch, got out n hit a tree where I was then tilted into another ditch, the tree is what tore the tire off.
    Splinters all into the tire but didn't lose any air, weird.

    That white car you see there was supposedly a man trying to pull over to help but ended up being un able to stop and scrapping the back side of the car.
    I was outside at the time and saw him slowly roll up and *screech*

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  2. Well on the plus side the other car doesn't look like it did much. Your car is fucked up from the ditches and tree.
    Sorry to hear that though. Hope you weren't injured and it doesn't cost too much to fix.
  3. Damn dude, that sucks. Glad your OK tho. Hope you got good insurance.
  4. Yeah, thanks everyone.
    Won't know how much the whole ordeal will cost me 'til I go talk with my insurance.
    But the wrecker charged $150 to move it to a shop(said it would've been 250-300 but bc he knows the shop ppl hell charge less)
    And I was given a citation of $200 for driving too fast for the conditions.

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  5. Thing is, not my car.
    It's in my name but that was to get plates to help a guy out.
    Man..told the guy I was sorry n I'll try and pay me back just for him to give me any info on costs but he said it was okay n accidents happen but what's wack is that we got the plates and insurance on it Sunday.
    That's what, 3 or so days.

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  6. That's a bullshit charge, get with the dude that slid into you and fight that shit. Don't matter how fast you are going if it's ice.
  7. Well, if you saw the skid marks from the road to the tree I'm sure anyone would say I was too fast.
    I was going the speed limit but the ice should have made me be more cautious.
    Was my first time driving in snow/ice too.
    This was in North Carolina btw.

    Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum
  8. Damn. Still a bullshit thing to do. Ain't like you hurt anyone and aren't gonna be out of pocket too. I love driving in the snow, but ain't a damn thing you can do on ice.
  9. Yeah, it was nice driving past everything and seeing in a different light.
    'Least at the beginning.

    We'll thanks for your posts.
    They're appreciated.

    Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum
  10. Wow crazy that I'm in NC too seeing this. Raleigh area too. This snowstorm is pretty rough, stay safe man
  11. #11 gentleman, Feb 13, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2014
    that shit is on it's way up towards me, but we're used to that here. it's been doing it every other day for a month.

    sucks though man. your dude seems chill about it, at least.

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