First timer looking for help. DWC

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Growing' started by jester87k, May 5, 2011.

  1. so im using an 18 gallon tub for DWC and have 4 plants .

    what kind of wattage lamp should i use? its about 1.5x3

    Plant Max 360 Watt Plant Max MH to HPS Conversion Bulb - Style # PX-MH360LU, conversion bulbs,conversion bulb,hid conversion bulb,hps conversion bulb,mh to hps conversion bulb,high pressure sodium conversion bulb,high pressure
    Seems really cheap compaired to most why is this???

    And also i know i need a hood for my light and a Ballast anything else i need for lighting or should be concerned about?

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