First Time With the Mushroom.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by JBrodyA, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. :hippie:

    So this was the last day of my Junior year a few days ago, and my friend just got a half o of shrooms and was selling them. i bought a half eighth for 20 and ate them in the car on the way to a party. Now ive read that the first time trippin is best done NOT at a party but i decided to go for it anyway. I ate them at about 8, lost a game of beer pong, smoked a bowl, and started to trip.

    I start to feel the strangest sensations in my hands and feet, like theyre half asleep. I tell my friend this and he laughs at me. Then i look down to see a footprint make itself in the floor of the garage. After this i got up to play beer pong again and in the process spilled my beer, and after promptly picking it back up watched the foam turn into liquid for a bit, and thought it was the craziest thing I'd ever seen. I played a couple good games of pong after that, then somehow a game was disbanded about halfway through overtime. At this point I find out its only 10, and that blows my mind cuz it feels like it should be 12.

    Theres a good amount of people at this party, most of whom are drunk and a few who keep trying to mess with me which only proceeded to annoy me. I take my trip upstairs where the setting is a bit more laid back. I start a game of pool and make my first three shots, then that game gets disbanded as well. I sit down on the nearby couch and get into conversations about shrroms and reality. Ive felt like experiencing shrooms was something I had been missing for a while, and that it was like i was finally in the right place. After staring at the carpet for a few minutes I look up at the wall with a bunch of cd's and records on it becuase someone who lived there was in a band or something, then i watched them pop out of the wall and the light on them was turning. Thats the last visual i saw that night.

    The rest of the night was a lot of the same thing, I'd go somewhere chill, with a few people in it, then everybody else would end up there too and i felt like it was too much for me to take in so I'd leave. I found I really wanted to go for a walk but didnt trust myself to get back so I couldnt, which made me unhappy as well. That happened for the rest of the night, after a while of this i went upstairs to smoke a blunt, and ended up getting smoked out on a few more bowls as well. Just before every1 was leaving a couple people started doing some of the craziest shit i have ever seen in my life, like miming playing a violin then eating it. I crashed at my freinds who sold me the shrooms and ended up staying up til like 5:30 building legos.

    Now I'm just waiting til i can get more money to try it again, and just thought id share with this community.
  2. Sounds like a cool first time experience.

    My first time was at high school, took like a gram of shrooms and went to taco bell :smoking:
  3. it sounds awesome, i cant wait to do shrooms
  4. I cant help but feel like im leaving a bit out.

    Overall there was so much going on the whole time i couldnt keep track of it all.
  5. #5 skatedank, Jun 6, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2009
    Your experience was similar to mine.. at a small party. The main visuals I remember was painting with water colors which blew my mind and staring at the carpet cause I thought each strand was a person and they were cheering. After the visuals went away I just wandered around and talked alot... and I couldnt get over how slow time was going by.

    ** Oh yeah, you should definitely drink something carbonated while tripping.. it feels sick
  6. I want to do shrooms again. Mushrooms are so fun. Every night is crazy. I just hope I don't get the fear like I have been when I trip. :-\
  7. Junior year of college right?
  8. I had upwards of 10 beers that night, plenty of carbonation.

    And no, high school, I party more than most in high school i think.
  9. Haha that sounds so funny :D
  10. lol

    i should be getting some shrooms next week .

    gonna be sweet
  11. It is great, my new activity of choice.
  12. Silly college kids and their typos.
  13. Underage b&
  14. Sounds fun lol
    Now i wanna try shrooms
  15. Sounds a lot more chill then my first time on mushrooms. We had 4 grocery bags packed so tight with mushrooms it's almost as if you could step on them and none of them would break, I ate about 23-25 caps. I don't feel like going into the whole story but I did slip and crash my face through my friend's porch. Ahh, ol wacky times being 15 again.
  16. apparently people were questioning my age or something...

    Im 18.

    and didnt make any typpos.
  17. Haha Dude! My first shroom trip was last night! It was fuckin amazing, I can totally relate to the hands thing. I stared at mine for like 20 minutes, looking at the vains and like the thought that I could control my hand boggled my mind. I also had a half an 1/8.

    I can definitely not wait for my next trip.
  18. i havent seen many stories of bad trips on here...

    a few on other sites though.

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