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First time trying thc pill? 100mg?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by mitch3110, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. I have only done edibles once before and i felt a bit but it wasnt a lot, im not a super frequent smoker, normally like 5 times a week, no dabs just greenbowls, and im 6'0, 150 pounds.

    So, my friend and I are getting a 300mg thc pill, and I was wondering what would happen if we split it in half or did like a quarter of it each? I heard from friends that the 300mg thc pill could be fine to take it all but I would rather be safe than sorry. My tolerance isnt super high either.
  2. If you've already tried edibles once, then you understand that it is a totally different kind of a high....more a body type high instead of a head high. And, by the way, I don't think you qualify as a "super frequent" smoker at 5 times a week. Most of us "super frequent" smokers probably smoke 5 times a day, actually. LOL However, if you've generally been smoking good quality weed, then taking that many milligrams isn't going to flip you out by any means. You could actually eat the whole thing and probably not be more buzzed than if you had just smoked it. To me, edibles are more for those who are trying to treat pain with MJ more so than for those trying to get a good buzz. I've tried edibles in several different forms and have also had some of the Grade A THC oil as well. The oil was the most potent of all the options, but even with it, I didn't get a buzz that felt like what I have experienced from smoking the stuff. You're probably going to be more satisfied with just rolling up a big "hog leg" and smoking it if you're going for buzz alone. TWW
  3. I said im not a super frequent smoker but yea i know im not haha, dont have the time to do it much more but okay, when i tried edibles the first time i think it was just around 20mg and like you said, I think I would be fine with 100mg for sure but not sure if I want to take the whole 300 just to be safe lol, thank you for everything tho man :)
  4. I said im not a super frequent smoker but yea i know im not haha, dont have the time to do it much more but okay, when i tried edibles the first time i think it was just around 20mg and like you said, I think I would be fine with 100mg for sure but not sure if I want to take the whole 300 just to be safe lol, thank you for everything tho man :)

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