First Time Smoking Question

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Afghan Hash, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. #1 Afghan Hash, Mar 27, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2012
    Ok so as you can tell im new here but today was my first time smoking some dank in my pipe, I put a bit in there and took a few hits and I didn't feel anything but then about 10 minutes later it hit me and I felt amazing but then after a few minutes I started to feel really calm but very anxious. I felt very scared and I thought I was gonna die It took a good hour before I stopped panicking, Is this normal for a first timer who smoked a bit, to feel strange and scared when high? if so will I feel scared and anxious again or is it only the first time?
  2. That is how a lot of people feel like.It is probably cause it was your first time.Once you keep smoking then it will feel completely different,but if you keep feeling like that I heard that a lot of smokers have Anxiety attacks and don't even know it but even then it is not worth worrying about.
  3. Try everything 3 times. Once to try it, twice to see if you liked it, and a third time just to make sure you were right.
  4. I never felt like I was going to die...

    Some people just shouldn't smoke. I dunno. A few hits of weed has never, and will never, kill a person. I don't know why you'd even think that. Cannabis is not Alcohol. You don't OD on it like cocaine. You should know this already and your knowledge that you have consumed a non-dangerous mind altering drug should keep you calm.

    And, if you felt like that after a little weed, you should stay the hell away from Mushrooms.
  5. after you first time smoking it will get ALOT better dude trust me. The only diffence between your first smoke session and Mine is that I had friends smoke me out and help me with all my neewby questions... The anxieity and the calmness is normal... DYing feeling I have felt that before with some brownies i had recently... Dude those brownies made my head spin and make me want to vomit but didnt... So everyone has a DIffernt High experince even if they been smoking for years.
  6. This isn't in the right section, is it?
  7. I felt nothing the first few times I smoked. My friend freaked out thought cops were coming to get him and hid his face in the couch for like 40 minutes.

    To me its mindset somewhat. He read hype thought he would panick and freak out, so he did. I didnt care one way or the other. I still dont get high much or I smoke so much its the normal so I cant tell when I am high.

    Either way, you learn to cope or your body adjusts to the new feeling and you can enjoy it more. Nothing to worry about.

    The thinking your dieing was you freaking out, Ive heard other similar stories and its all in their head. The worst I have had was pulsing with my heartbeat and my eyes seemed to go with that, freaked me out a little but than I thought, oh its just weed duh. Presto, sat back and enjoyed the weirdness and pulsing instead of thinking it was something bad.
  8. Thanks guys i feel a lot more confident now
  9. [quote name='"ChaoticCrux"']

    The thinking your dieing was you freaking out, Ive heard other similar stories and its all in their head. The worst I have had was pulsing with my heartbeat and my eyes seemed to go with that, freaked me out a little but than I thought, oh its just weed duh. Presto, sat back and enjoyed the weirdness and pulsing instead of thinking it was something bad.[/quote]

    Lol I've had that feeling before, except I didnt freak out.

    There was this one time when I was sitting on the floor at a friends house, we were listening to techno, and I could feel the base just making the floor vibrate and I just started rocking back and forth with it. I was in my own little world for 10 minutes till my friend noticed and was like wtf?
  10. 'Feel really calm but very anxious'?? Does that make any sense to you guys.

    Look man, it's your first time smoking, I can remember my first time smoking I was high as shit, didn't even know what the fuck was going on. But some people re act differently...maybe you just panicked the first time. Try and do it a couple more times and if you don't like it nobody is forcing the shit into your lungs. And I don't know how old you are but you won't be a loser if you don't smoke pot. Let us know how it goes!
  11. Why is this thread still here? Lol
  12. Nope.

    To the OP, this is the cultivation section...
  13. Got so high and anxious he was too scared to post in the right section haha.

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