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First time smoking in months..bad experience

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Nicoleesophia, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. #1 Nicoleesophia, Jan 3, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2013
    so the other day i smoked for the first time in months
    two friends and i rolled 2 blunts and i was pretty excited cause i'd been craving a good smoke. So i guess I got a little carried away.. I had only smoked a few times maybe 6 times before this. I had told my bf about a year ago that i wouldn't smoke before smoking i had some doubt in my mind as that fact stuck in my head.
    I had never really gotten that high before. Previous times that I smoked, I just kinda felt relaxed and giggly.

    So we go backk inside after smoking, and I felt that relaxed giggly high like usual. The first thing I remember was sitting on the bed with my friends laughing our asses off but idk what we were even laughing at. Then I just remember realizing I was grabbing my face and everything was like spinning and moving back and forth. Its like I was delayed and I didn't realize what was happening and what I was doing until a few moments after. I kept asking my friends if it was a dream and if we were going to die. I was just so confused. And then my friend thought she saw someone outside, and thats when paranoia had set in. I never felt any of these symptoms the other times I had smoked. It was really cool and relaxing at first- when everything was kinda trippy and I didnt know what was happening. All I knew was I was laughing and I was happy.. but then I just started getting scared and I began to notice my heartbeat. I didn't know half the things I was saying, and when I tried to eat I was like shaking and eating really fast, and a few times I missed my mouth.. I was really worried about my friend too her eyes were red as fuck and she was laying on the floor. As for my friend who supplied the weed, she was perfectly fine. She claims that this was how this weed always is.. but she was perfectly normal when my other friend and I were freaking out, so I think she didn't take as many hits as us idk..

    Time seemed to drag by rather than fly by, and when I decided to lay down my heartbeat seemed to be getting faster and it was becoming harder to breathe. I legitimately thought I was going to die. At that point I just wanted the night to end, but I couldnt fall asleep. I tried to think of things to calm me down, but all just seemed to end up making matters worse. My mind wouldn't stop running and I felt like i was going insane. I finally fell asleep, and the first thing I thought when I woke up the next morning was "thankgod everything is leveled and I am sober"

    I did some research and I came up with a few reasons as to my experience was as bad as it was:
    -I hadn't smoked in several months
    -this weed was stronger than I was used to
    -I took more hits than I could handle. Low Tolerance
    -before smoking I had a guilty conscience in reference to my bf and the fact that I promised I wouldn't smoke again. So maybe those negative thoughts had a negative reflection on what type of high I had.

    Any Feedback?
    Did anything similar happen to any of you?
  2. Yeah you got too high. When you start smoking again after a prolonged break you need to pace yourself. Don't try to keep up with everyone else, just take a one or two hits and wait a few minutes...then if you feel like you can handle more take one or two more...until you are comfortably high. That kind of stuff happens to me and I've been smoking 7 years. If I take a break (even a few weeks) my tolerance is low to begin with so if I smoke a lot I get really anxious.
  3. [​IMG]

    Ok what the fuck is this
  4. Hahahahaha something I found on fb. It's Kim and Kanye in the future!
  5. Sounds like a panic attack to me


    Omega369 :wave:

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