First time growing.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Averagejoetryntogro, May 5, 2016.

  1. Hey guys. This is my first time growing. I have wanted to try for a while, and I did a lot of reading to determine what my approach was gonna be. I started off with my own mix of vermiculite, peat moss, and perlite. I transplanted into pro-mix hp about a week ago and gave it it's first feeding at the same time. I'm using general hydroponics 3 part system with cal-mag and unsulfered molasses to feed it. It's growing still, but the soil has been wet for 7 days. Is this normal? It looks like it's doing ok. I have 2 100w 6500k cfls on it right now on a 19/5 light cycle. It's currently day 20 since it sprouted.

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  2. Plant looks fine...doesn't look over watered but wet soil for a week with no watering is a little long. You added perlite in your mix and pro-mix has a good amount so medium drainage should be fine added too much vermiculite. Too much vermiculite can cause too much moisture retention. If you do transplant again throw in a little extra perlite but NO vermiculite. Keep the fan on it with a gentle breeze and think about possibly drilling some extra drainage holes in the bottom of the pot, and possibly just a couple small holes on the bottom half of the side of the pot.

    Good luck
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  3. It looks fine. Don't water again till almost dry and go REAL light on the nutes initially.
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  4. I have my fan pulling air out. Should I turn it around and have it face the plant? And I think my first feeding was right around 240ppm and ph was about 5.8
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  5. Yes, if I were you I would have the fan pushing cool air in onto your plant. You'll wanna bring your ph up into the 6's. 6.3-6.8 is ideal.
  6. I dont think ive ever heard of anyone using an odd number for light hours. Its always like 16,18,20,24. Looks like youve done your research and you know what youre doing
  7. Thanks for the replies guys. It seems very tempermental at times. I'll walk away for a couple hours and come back to see all the leaves hanging down low. This morning they were raised up high. It keeps going back and fourth. It's also cupping slightly at the top leaves and the tips are curled down. The strain is called lemon og if that means anything.
  8. Here's a few pics of the curled and cupping leaves

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  9. Well my soil dried up and the pot was nice and light, so I gave it another feeding. I also did my first topping as well. It still looks a little iffy, but she's doing better. Hopefully more updates in the next few days.

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  10. Hi. Hows yr humidity and temp ? Just wondered due to up and down wi leafs etc xx
  11. Temp is always about 70F and the humidity I'm not sure. I still need to buy a humidity gauge.
  12. Hey guys, back for another update. The plant looks better. I noticed about 5 small branches hiding under the top of the canopy. Do I leave these branches? The leaves on them seem kinda small.

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  13. Hey guys, back with another update. I transplanted again into about a 6 gallon pot. I also gave it another feeding at 6.5 ph and 285 ppm. It's been a month since she broke soil. Lot of growth in the last week, and my first topping is working out nicely.

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  14. Another quick update. I did some slight lollipopping today. Plant is doing well in its new container. I will also be switching to flower next week when my tent gets here.

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  15. My tent finally came in. It's 4'x4'x7'. I got a 1000watt hps with a vent fan to keep it cool. I also have a dehumidifier to keep it at 45. The temp is at a steady 78 Fahrenheit. The plant is about 2 foot tall.

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