Hello All, This is my first time growing in an indoor setup. Im growing 3 plants of feminized northern lights and one random freebe plant. Growing under 1 300watt led and 2 60 watt cfls. I transplanted my plants from solo cups to 3 gallon fabric pots about a week ago and began to notice slight white marks on the lower leaves of all plants. The problem seems to be getting worse even putting holes in some of the leaves. I have some AzaMax and sm90 arriving today but was wondering if anyone had any input before i went ahead and started to put things in my plants
Hi not sure . Cant see if slug trails or not?? I would do slug traps incase as wont hurt ya plants but i totally guessin ere love xxxx
Before you nuke japan I think you have aphids and or a circulation issue which is causing powdery mildew go get some dawn dish soap and some 99% peroxide from wall art one drip per gallon and 10ml per liter of the peroxide per gallon soak the entire plant amd'i neem fill up a 5 galloner and soak the whole plant for a bit