First time grower and now sharing my progress!

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by braabraa, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. Good day all! This is my first post, but I have been trolling these forums for a few years. I have never really had to grow because of the awesome grade of weed that was always in supply where I used to live, i.e. Georgia. But now that I moved on to TN I found it quite a harder to find medical grade cannabis. I have a condition and I found that cannabis treats it better than any medicine a doctor in my state can prescribe. First off, I started with some "Jack" and it actually turned out quite well. I have some "Bubblicious" and "Kaya 47" in my greenhouse(its 100 ft^2 and I built it for less than 100$, granted i did have a lot of scrap wood) but Ill give it some time before I upload those pics. I have been using Fox farm products including the world famous "Tiger Bloom". I used CFL's for VEG AND FLOWERING STAGES. I did some research and I figured before I spent money on a 600w hps I should at least experience some trial and errors. But I am actually very surprised at what the CFL's have did for me! I veg'd for about 20 days using the 6500k (Natural light) and used the 2700k( Daylight) for flowering. I have 5 CFL's on it right now through the flowering stage in between 13000 and 15000 lumens. And to top it all off, i turned an old book case into a grow box. I did make some customizations i installed 3 light fixtures to the top using 14 guage wire. for the other 2 i just used standard reflective lamps! so with out further bs i give you the pics and I hope to have some feedback! Once again, thanks to everyone on this forum that have made this grow possible!
    *Sorry in advance for not rotating the pics, for some reason its fine on my cpu and they are not on uploading*

    Attached Files:

  2. if you scroll over the pics the file names have the dates! I plan on harvesting around April 5-10 and hopefully drying some out and having my first toke on 420! Happy Trails from TN!
  3. Looks good from my phone. Cant wait to see on the bigscreen.
  4. Thanks man! Just started to flush so im hoping to have it harvested the next 10 days or so!
  5. Thanks for sharing your grow with us.

    Meh on Foxfarm, but hey, can't argue with results.

  6. Indeed my friend! I owe this grow to the many contributors of this community and others across the web! Harvest time is coming up and Ill be a happy camper!
  7. #7 braabraa, Apr 2, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2012
    Anyone have some recommendations on the 48 hr dark cycle before harvest? I didnt plan on doing it because i figured that was what drying it in the dark was for. Ive researched online, but it is mostly half and half who does this. Any advice appreciative. Im on day 56 of Flowering and my plant is flushed. Ill probably give it a couple more days before i cut it done (flowering is done in 49-50 days for this strain but i figured i should keep it on a week longer just bc im using cfl's)

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