First Time Grow (Please Offer Feedback)

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by vandal429, Jun 23, 2012.

  1. lol i feel like ive been enlightened somehow by reading that...

    also i wish u hadnt of mentioned the m and ms cuz now im hungry. youre a funny dude, respect :smoke:
  2. Capt-
    That sounds like a very nice setup. I would love to be working soil less, but right now I just don't have the space for my indoor equip. I completely understand the need for a light tight environment, which is one of the benefits of my current set-up is the ease of entry, mobility of the plants and lights, all kinds of natural light traps between the inner part of the cab, and the outer. I plan on adding one blankets layer of black plastic to by The outer perimeters of the cab before flower, to add one more defense layer against light leak.
    I am wondering about timeliness of the veg cycle and such with now just the CFL' s being used. It would have roughly optimily 30,000 lumens, plus whatever the plant light is throwing off.
    I am guessing the growth cycle will be closer to indoor than outdoor, right?
  3. A few updated pics with the following changes made. I have switched nutrient lines away from General Hydroponics. I am now using the Aurora Player Pack. Which is the Aurora Soul Grow, Bloom, Infinity, Big Swell, Amino Acids, I have Also included Advanced Nutrients Carbo Load, Green Planet Aussie Tonic (Sparingly) when transitioned to bloom, and with foliar feed, and am foliar feeding with Vermincrop Organics Vermi T Solution. I am just nearing the the end of my second week of flowering. Sorry, the pics aren't that great.



  4. These pics were just taken today. I just finished week two of flowering yesterday. I am now feeding 1x a week with Aurora Player Pack using recommended feeding schedule, though I have been told I should 1/2 what they recommend, the plants seem to be doing Well. Basically I am going to try the following schedule:

    Feed 1X a week with Aurora Line (items listed in previous post),Advanced Nutrients Liquid Carboload, and Vermi-T In 2 gallons of water for all 3 plants.

    Water 1Xa week, 2 gallons of water for all 3 plants, with Carboload and Vermi-T.

    Foliar 1X a week with Vermi-T and 1ml Aussie Tonic (Does anyone know If there are advantages or disadvantages to using Carboload when foliar feeding? These are all very new products to me.)

    I have attached a few new pics.





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