First time feeder!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by diiego25, Mar 28, 2024.

  1. These seeds were dropped the same day and they’re all somewhere between 2-3 weeks old.
    You can really notice the difference in growth between different type of soils.
    I took these pictures today and was wondering if I should start feeding or if I should wait a week or two.
    I’m looking to get bigger buds and will be my first time feeding so any recommendation/help in NPK and nutrients is welcomed!

    Attached Files:

  2. did you put any perlite in the soil or what is in it for drainage? they should start growing soon if they are really almost 3 weeks old! what light are you using?
  3. the last picture looks like a clover not weed lol and that soil looks hella thick and heavy
  4. No perlite I believe, its just homedepot soil as far as I know. The pot has small holes on the bottom and its on top of a drain tray. The other "heavy" soil is just the ground here in Texas. I was really surprised those seeds sprung. I swear I dropped a seed where that clover grew haha so I wasn't sure if it was weed. I really wanna feed the one that is on the ground so that I don't loose it, it be a big win for me if that one is able to grow from hot Texas soil.

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