first sprout

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by noonecares, Feb 19, 2007.

  1. i planted it in the center of the pot and have no idea how it got there. is it possible this isn't marijuana but some other seed that got its way in the soil? this is my first grow.

  2. sure looks like MJ to me.

  3. i know, i'm just keeping the soil moist.
  4. [​IMG]

    one more question, why are there like 2 in this one??
    does this happen?
  5. hmm, looks like you have some contaminated soil, your seeds arent alone in there.. i guess the top one most likely isnt your sprout.. but keep it going till you can be sure (dont over water!)
  6. [​IMG]

    yeah im pretty sure thats it right there, the other ones were something else. thanks for the help?
  7. Yeah, that one is most definitely your sprout. Looks nice and healthy, good job!

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