First scrog grow.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Frostie, Sep 23, 2009.

  1. #1 Frostie, Sep 23, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2009
    Hey guys,

    I am trying scrog for the first time with two ww plants. I am using a 150w hps in a small cab -- about 1.5'x1.5' and 3' tall.

    My question is: Does this scrog look out of control? My plants seem to grow 1-2 inches overnight! (I know it is probably due to trained buds turning towards the light.)

    (something is screwy with my link...just right click and open in new window and it should work)

    Sorry about the terrible picture. It is my phone camera and the hps light cycle doesn't really allow for great pictures (note the horizontal bars in the photo)

    ALSO, when do you stop training and let nature run its course? Or do you continue training throughout flowering?


  2. Not seeing any picture...
  3. me either and i want to help you....
  4. Sorry guys I used zshare and its screwy for some reason. Can anyone suggest a better host?

    Also, I don't know if you tried, but you can right click the link and open it in a new window.


  5. why not just upload it here as an attachment?
  6. There isn't even a link to click on.

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