Hey everyone, So for my birthday yesterday my Girlfriend and Roommate surprise me with my first RooR.. It is 5mm thick, White Label, and came with an 18.8 RooR diffy and slide.. also while they were in Austin they picked up a heady slide from a local glass blower.. My Girlfriend named her "Milky Way" after she took her first lung crushing rip lol.. Funny stuff! And I am very pleased with it. When I got back to my place I realized I left the camera with the pictures and my 18 mil bowl.. Luckily my Baby Darby which passed away just a couple weeks ago had a 14 mil diffy that fit just fine.. so I put on my KC inline and made a mild vid... Here it is: [ame=http://s725.photobucket.com/albums/ww258/bingobango_420/?action=view¤t=Clip07.flv][/ame]
Not at all! I was pretty surprised how well it worked out. The a/c sits about 3 mm from the surface and there is no wobble.. I'm starting to think the baby darby passed for a reason lol.
Sure buddy! They actually got the tube from the gas pipe.. kinda expensive, but after hanging out with the guys for a little bit they cut the price a tad. BUT they got the slide from BC, which the staff there rocks!! They always make great deals on glass. That's where I have bought both of my Darby Custom's and a couple other things and I would highly suggest them! But the A/C is from Kind Creations in CO. Love that place.. And yea a Hakko soldering iron 456-16? I think lol. I am REALLY stoned so you might wanna check on that… Again thank you everybody for the kind comments!
Dude I love it!! The difference in the hakko between a glow rod or any other form of burning the herb is ridiculous!