First post... Also, I have a question.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Butania, Jul 31, 2010.

  1. #1 Butania, Jul 31, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2010
    I am a small time grower aka I grow indoors.

    I have recently heard that smoking cigarettes near, or even in the same house as where you're growing is a no-no. Now, while I've heard this, it was never explained to me why.

    Soooo I will ask and hope to god I don't make myself look like an imbecile. Why shouldn't I smoke cigarettes around my plants?
  2. First of all, smoke is not good for plants in general. Similarly to the way we breathe in oxygen, plants breathe in C02, and smoke hinders this. Second, tobacco can be infected with the Tobacco Mosaic Virus. Because of this, you should also wash your hands before touching your plants if you're a smoker.

    I'm sure there are other reasons, but that's the gist of it.
  3. i have smoked around my plants for 20 years. never have i seen any ill effects on quanity, quality or general health. and i know lots of non smoking (ciggarettes) to compare against. we even get our clones from the same place. if you chain smoke over your plants , i could see that doing some damage, but i have never seen damage to a plant from just normal household ciggarette smoke.
  4. ^^ This.

    I also smoke in my room, which contains the closet that my grow tent is in. I do not smoke when I am tending to the plants, or when I am sitting by the tent looking at my plants. There is no need to blow smoke directly on them, lol. But I do smoke in my room, and there have been no negative affects from it.
  5. just dont stand over em trimmin' with a butt hangin' off your lip blowin smoke on the buds and you'll be fine:D
  6. Thank you everyone ^_^ I guess my curiosity had gotten the best of me and google gave me no responses what so ever . No worries about me trimming and smoking a cigarette lol
  7. I mean as long as you're not intentionallyblowing smoke on them they will be alright. Just try to avoid smoke around your plants gl

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